5 Things That Only Endometriosis Sufferers Understand

Since endometriosis ends up being a chronic disease it is important that we look for options to minimize its symptoms and be able to cope with it in the best possible way

Endometriosis is a disease in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of the uterus. . It is a benign condition and affects some women during their reproductive lives.

When the endometrium develops incorrectly, it can settle anywhere in the abdomen. Thus, it can appear in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, or bladder. It can rarely be found in other parts of the body such as the lungs.

The terms implants, nodules, or lesions are used to describe the areas where endometriosis occurs . When it affects the ovaries, cysts (endometriomas) can form.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Endometriosis treatment

Some women may not have any symptoms, however, the most common are:

  • Long and heavy menses
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or pelvis
  • Pain during or after intercourse
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Infertility
  • Other symptoms such as: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or tiredness

Endometriosis pain can be very bad and interfere with routine tasks. On the other hand, the severity of pain is not related to the amount, extent, or location of endometriosis.

Consult with your doctor if you present these symptoms or think you may have this disease. Early diagnosis will favor the control of symptoms.

1. Intense cramps

The exact cause of endometriosis is not yet known. . The most outstanding theory is the so-called retrograde menstruation. Menstrual blood flows back through the fallopian tubes and into the pelvic cavity that surrounds the reproductive organs instead of leaving the body.

Not having given birth or having relatives with this condition can be some risk factors. Doctors often pay special attention to these factors and the intense cramps that patients describe to detect endometriosis in its earliest stages.

When the problem can be identified early, it is easier to preserve fertility in women.

2. The option of having children can be a solution

E l pregnancy can reduce some symptoms . At this time, a woman’s progesterone levels are higher and since endometriosis feeds on estrogens (and these decrease) the discomfort disappears completely or almost completely.

However, it is not a cure. Nine months later, symptoms will return in most women. These can also stop with the onset of menopause.

AND Among one-third and one-half of women with endometriosis have a hard time getting pregnant. This happens when the reproductive organs are badly damaged.

Even so, many women with mild to moderate endometriosis are still able to conceive. For this reason, it is often advised that they do not delay in having children because the condition can get worse over time.

3. Hysterectomy

This is not really a cure. However, since endometriosis is on the outside of the uterus, it can be assumed that removing the uterus could eliminate the problem.

According to many specialists, the ideal is to avoid hysterectomy, although sometimes it is usually the only viable treatment. If your doctor suggests this alternative and you just don’t like it, get a second opinion and consider something less radical.

If you want to have children at some point, talk to your doctor to discuss other solutions, such as hormone therapy or conservative surgery.

4. Complications

Some specialists suggest that endometriosis increases the risk of ovarian cancer. However, the risk appears to be quite low. It is also associated with another rare type of cancer, adenocarcinoma, which can appear in women who have endometriosis.

If you need it, do not hesitate to seek help groups, a psychologist or a gynecologist to give you more support . It never hurts to find someone who specializes in endometriosis.

5. Eat well and get enough sleep

Sleeping well and having a good diet is a must to improve symptoms. If you are undergoing surgery or have been given hormone treatment, this is not negotiable. Experts indicate that at this time there should be good endometriosis care.

On the other hand, there are Alternative therapies you can try to relieve symptoms:

  • Physical therapy to limit pelvic pain
  • A good anti-inflammatory diet
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga

Also, don’t forget that gentle physical activity can help with pain.


Endometriosis has no cure, but surgery can lessen some of the symptoms, and medicine can help, too. Therefore, it is very important to see a specialist at the first suspicion. Treatments can improve your daily life.

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