6 Tips For Healthy And Low-fat Cooking

To reduce the intake of fat that is harmful to health, we can apply different tricks when cooking, such as substituting ingredients, choosing healthy fats or modifying the types of cooking.

Excess fat consumption is one of the main obstacles among those who want to have a controlled and healthy weight. Although its complete elimination from the diet is not recommended, it is important to moderate its intake and, above all, choose those that are known as “healthy”.

The problem is that we ignore that they are present in many of the meals we eat every day and, furthermore, we do not measure the portions, nor do we take into account the cooking method. This is why many times the diet fails and, although we practice physical exercise, it is difficult for us to have the desired measures.

However, to start changing it, just put into practice some tips that help us cook in a healthier way.

1. Substitute ingredients

There are healthy fat options.

Have you checked the quality of the ingredients you cook with? Do you know what type of fat they contain and in what quantity? Well, if you haven’t done it yet, you are likely to be in for a big surprise.

Luckily, you have the opportunity to substitute them with healthier options, as there are many ingredients that contain fewer calories and fat.


  • Instead of using hydrogenated vegetable oils, opt for healthy options like olive, avocado, and sunflower oil.
  • Avoid skimmed milk, the whole is always better.

2. Use alternative cooking methods

We know that fried foods are easy to prepare and, in addition, they give a particular flavor to foods that we find pleasant. The downside is that it is a cooking method that involves the use of oils or butters and, therefore, they are an “extra” load of fat.

Keep in mind that frying generates trans fatty acids. These have been associated with poorer health, as stated in a study published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome.


  • Instead of frying, opt to boil, steam, or bake as much food as possible.
  • In the case of meats, and some vegetables, you can also choose to cook on the grill.

3. Remove the fat from the broths

Remove the fat from your dishes.

Although we advise you to prepare only vegetable-based broths, if you decide to do it with added chicken or meat, remove the layer of fat that usually forms on its surface.


  • Wait for the broth to cool and, when you notice the solidified fat, remove it with a spoon or filter.
  • Another simple trick is to prepare them from the day before and freeze them. The next day, you can easily remove the fat before heating them.

4. Prepare lighter stir-fries

Due to tradition or cultural issues, many of them use to prepare stir-fries with high amounts of margarine or vegetable oils. However, we can prepare them in a lighter way, using only a minimal amount of olive oil.

Do not forget that olive oil contributes to improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is evidenced by research published in The New England Journal of Medicine.


  • Let the pan heat over low heat and, when it is hot, add the garlic, onion and other seasonings.
  • Next, drizzle them with a small splash of olive oil and stir for 3 to 5 minutes.

5. Limit the consumption of meats

Go for lean cuts with little fat.

Including meats in the diet is not bad and, in fact, it is recommended to obtain the daily protein requirements. The problem is that many eat them in exaggerated portions and, if that were not enough, they choose cuts full of harmful fats.

It is a better option to prioritize the intake of fish. A high consumption of them has been shown to be associated with fewer chronic pathologies in the medium term.


  • Measure the portions of meat you consume per day and, above all, choose lean cuts.
  • Although there is still some hidden fat, these represent a healthier way to consume them.
  • Avoid using preparation methods with added oils or fats.
  • If you grill or bake it, allow the fat to drain for a few minutes before serving.
  • Prepare it with little salt or choose to season it with spices.

6. Avoid commercial dressings and sauces

In the market we find a wide variety of dressings and sauces that promise to improve the flavor of our favorite dishes. Although it is true that they give a very pleasant touch, the truth is that many are made with oils and chemical additives that are not so healthy.


  • Although you love their taste, try to avoid these products as much as possible.
  • Make your own homemade sauces, using 100% organic ingredients.
  • There are dozens of dressing recipes that do not contain oils.
  • Season your meats and stews with spices or lemon juice.

Cook healthier

Do you want to improve your diet and limit your fat intake? If so, or if your plan is to lose weight, take into account all these recommendations and start cooking in a healthier way. Remember also to increase the amount of physical exercise to enjoy a better functioning by the body.

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