10 Natural Antiseptics To Treat Superficial Wounds

Although honey is usually one of the best-known antiseptics, there are also different aromatic herbs and other ingredients of natural origin that can be of great help to treat cuts and injuries mild

Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to the skin to reduce the risk of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.

Unlike antibiotics and disinfectants, these do not always have the ability to destroy microorganisms, but only inhibit their growth.

However, some have powerful germicidal properties that, in addition to altering the environment that bacteria require to proliferate, destroy microbes.

In addition, they are useful to protect the injured skin against other external agents that could hinder its regeneration and healing process.

Although those of industrial origin are used regularly, there are also effective, inexpensive and safe natural antiseptics.

This time we want to share the top 10 so you don’t hesitate to use them in emergencies.

1. Honey from bees

Honey bee

Organic honey is one of the prodigious antiseptics that nature gives us for the treatment of superficial wounds.

Its active compounds fight microbes, inhibit bacterial growth and create a protective barrier against infection.

As if that were not enough, its enzymes and antioxidants deeply nourish the skin, thus accelerating cell repair and healing, as shown by numerous studies.

2. Onion

The sulfur compounds in onion give it antiseptic properties that can be used to protect wounded skin.

Different studies show that onion can fight bacteria such as E Coli, Pseudomonas and some types of bacilli.

Its juice provides a protective layer against bacteria and enhances cellular activity to repair damaged tissues.

3. Garlic


Like onion, garlic contains sulfurous substances that can stop the growth and infection of some skin microbes.

Its natural juices act directly against microorganisms and alter the environment they need to grow.

On the other hand, it has antifungal and antibiotic effects that could be useful to avoid the negative action of viruses and fungi.

4. Oregano

Oregano is one of the spices that you cannot miss in the kitchen. Its aroma is delicious and gives a very particular touch to all dishes.

But also,  both its leaves and its oil have antiseptic and antibacterial properties that could be useful to heal wounds.

Studies have proven the effectiveness of oregano against 23 different types of bacteria.

5. Aloe vera

5. Aloe vera

The crystals contained in the aloe vera plant are not only hydrating and rich in nutrients, but also act as antiseptics and antimicrobials.

Its direct application on the injured skin reduces inflammation, promotes healing and reduces the risk of infections or other complications.

6. Lemon

Very few dare to use lemon juice on skin wounds because its acidity often causes an uncomfortable burning sensation.

However, it is a product with surprising antiseptic effects, which can give very favorable results in the elimination of microbes and foreign agents.

Its low PH creates an unsuitable environment for most bacteria, which is why it works as a disinfectant.

It is not recommended for treating burns, but it is recommended for cuts and scrapes.

7. Lavender


Both the infusion and lavender oil are well known in aromatherapy for their relaxing and antidepressant properties.

What few know is that it is also a great antiseptic and anti-inflammatory  that facilitates the treatment of infections and skin lesions.

8. Thyme

Thyme’s antimicrobial qualities have been harnessed since ancient times for air purification and disease prevention.

Both its leaves and its extracts are used in the prevention of skin and respiratory infections.

The thymol contained in thyme has been proven as an ally in fighting fungal infections.

9. Bee propolis

Honey and propolis

Propolis is the resin used by bees to cover the holes in hives and, in this way, prevent the passage of foreign agents or intruders.

Since it is highly rich in vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants, its medicinal applications are multiple and effective.

Antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibiotic properties are attributed to it that, in addition to relieving skin wounds, accelerate the recovery of ulcers and internal injuries.

In fact, it is currently distributed as an alternative treatment and is recommended to improve immune system function.

We recommend you read: 5 natural juices to relieve gastric ulcers

10. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus leaves prepared in infusion result in an antiseptic lotion for the control and relief of skin lesions.

Its antimicrobial compounds prevent infections in superficial cuts and wounds, and reduce the presence of bacteria.

However, it is important to note that it should not be applied on burns or blisters.

As you can see, many natural ingredients are good antiseptics for small wounds.

Try to keep them handy and feel free to use them when you consider it necessary.

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