11 Strategies To Help You Be Smarter

Traditionally, intelligence has been conceived as a unique quality and closely related to cognitive and linguistic abilities. However, experts have shown that it is a much broader construct. So if you want to be smarter, you have to work on a wide variety of skills. 

Intelligence could be defined as the ability to function adequately in the environment that surrounds you. The smartest people are those who have the flexibility to adapt to change and respond to environmental demands. Here are some strategies to help you increase your overall intelligence.

Sleep well and the necessary hours

What is white noise and how can it help you sleep?

While you sleep, many important processes take place at the brain level. The information received during the day is processed and organized, certain data is discarded and others are consolidated.

In addition, mental energy is restored and you work unconsciously to find solutions to issues that concern you. Therefore, it is essential to enjoy sufficient and quality rest to function optimally.

Take care of your body

Surely you know that diet and physical activity have a great impact on health. Now, did you know that they can also help you be smarter? For example, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals has been shown not only to increase attention, concentration and memory, but also to prevent cognitive decline. 

Physical exercise, for its part, has also been shown to be effective in enhancing intellectual functions by  improving blood circulation and, therefore, the supply of oxygen and glucose that the brain receives. Thus, it is important to engage in moderate physical activity on a regular basis.

Train your brain

The brain, like the muscles, requires training and practice not to atrophy. Thus, to be smarter it is important to face new challenges that challenge cognitive ability.

Spending ten minutes a day doing activities such as solving puzzles , Sudoku puzzles , or riddles will keep you mentally active. In addition, there are a multitude of mobile applications that can facilitate this task.

Seek to develop a deeper understanding

Generally, in schools, children are graded on the basis of their performance on a specific test. However, the acquired information tends to fade from his mind quickly, as a deep understanding did not develop.

To be smarter, you have to make significant learning, actively elaborate the information and put it into practice. Understanding how the world works will allow you to navigate it more effectively.

Write and review everything that is learned

Regarding the above, writing what you learn is a great way to consolidate that knowledge. In the first place, because you will be actively acting on it, instead of receiving it passively. But, also, because doing so gives you the opportunity to later review that information and keep it fresh in your memory.

Do different things every day

The routine provides a pleasant sense of familiarity and security. However, by performing the same tasks every day, you end up acting on autopilot.

Therefore, it  is highly recommended to introduce small variations in daily life to keep you alert. You can choose a different route each day to go to work, socialize with different groups of friends or try different classes that attract your attention.

Read every day

Reading is an excellent habit that improves language skills and enhances creativity. In addition, it fosters social and emotional intelligence by allowing you to put yourself in the shoes of the characters who star in each story. Also, it is an ideal way to explore various topics of your interest and thus increase curiosity and open-mindedness.

Keep track of ideas

When you begin to nurture your mind with new information and habits, you will notice how it begins to activate. Your creativity will be heightened and you will find yourself having lots of new and original thoughts.

Write down those that catch your attention and go back to them later, polish and shape those ideas that come out of nowhere; they will become novel ways to expand intellectually.

Do things differently

Hamstring stretch at home.

Normally, when you have learned to do something efficiently,  you stop exploring that field and continue repeating the steps that you already know. Why would you change something that already works?

In fact, looking for new ways to approach the same activity helps us create new neural pathways in our brain. For example, starting to use your non-dominant hand for everyday tasks like eating or cleaning can be very stimulating.

Talk and question yourself

Do you think that talking alone is a sign of insanity? Nothing could be further from the truth: it is a very healthy exercise that can lead you to be more intelligent.

When you voice your concerns, your thoughts and your emotions, you process them at a deeper level and activate new resolution strategies. Therefore, get used to talking with you, questioning the content of your mind at all times and you will become someone much more flexible psychologically.

Learn another language

Lastly, learning another language will expand your cognitive abilities significantly. Bilingualism improves verbal fluency, enhances attention, concentration and memory. On the other hand, it helps to develop other perspectives when it comes to perceiving the world, giving you a greater breadth of vision.

How to be smarter?

In short, to be smarter you have to nurture and exercise your mind, face challenges and stay active. The worst enemies of brain plasticity are routine and comfort. Therefore, make sure to introduce small challenges in your day to day.

Remember that intelligence is not just a score on paper, but your best ally when it comes to successfully adapting to reality. Without a doubt, it is worth working on it.

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