11 Tips To Take Care Of Your Liver

The liver is responsible for detoxifying our body. It is a refined and brilliant laboratory that gives us vitality and health in this context in which we surround ourselves, where our lifestyle is almost always characterized by an intake of unhealthy foods, medicines and pollutants in an atmosphere that affects us without realizing it. .

The liver is responsible for carrying out a myriad of tasks that are vital to our survival. Among them, medical sources include:

  • It metabolizes proteins and fat.
  • Stores vitamins and minerals.
  • Create the bile.
  • It breaks down fats.
  • Controls cholesterol metabolism.
  • It builds an infinity of basic enzymes for the body’s metabolism.

It is an essential organ, which we must know how to take care of so that it continues to perform its multiple functions normally. Hence, we want to offer you some simple guidelines so that you take them into account.

Tips to take care of your liver

The following keys can never act as a replacement for the treatment indicated by the doctor. Also, if you suffer from any symptoms linked to liver problems, consult your health professional as soon as possible.

1. Drink two to three liters of water a day

Foundations specialized in liver care and the promotion of healthy habits such as the American Liver Foundation recommend in publications like this one to lead a healthy lifestyle to take care of the liver, as well as the other organs of the body.

To do this, opting for water as your everyday drink, even over natural juices, is an excellent measure. It is always advisable to drink water throughout the day and in small sips, that way we will always be hydrated. So, it is worth including a bottle of water in your bag when you leave home.

2. Avoid consuming a lot of sugar

Under habit —or addiction sometimes— there is a great danger to our liver, especially if we consume refined sugar, since this causes us to convert sugar into fat and cholesterol, increasing the level of triglycerides in the blood and leading to the inevitable problems cardiovascular

The same source cited above suggests in this publication to avoid all those industrial pastries and not to overeat too many sweets or sugary foods. Artificial sweeteners are also very toxic to the body in general.

If you need to eat something sweet, you can perfectly use honey (without overdoing it), a piece of fresh fruit and even a natural yogurt. To get a meal plan based on your needs, consult a nutritionist.

3. Keep a schedule in your meals

More than liver care specifically, this is a key to overall health. Try to keep track, but always listening to your body. It is not at all a question of always eating at the same time, because perhaps there are days when we will not be hungry … it is about being regular in your eating habits.

Listen to your body but keep a check: never skip meals, if you get hungry in the middle of the day or between meals, do not consume sweets, resort to fruit, and also be careful with diets. Always consult your doctor or nutritionist when you have to radically change your eating habits.

4. Take care of your intestines

They are essential organs, if they are full of toxins or bacteria, the liver will have to work more, it will suffer more and it will be damaged in the long term, since it is in charge of filtering and destroying any negative element that we ingest in our meals.

This Kidney Health Australia publication details the importance of healthy gut. Other research has also been published that reaffirms the connection between gut health and liver wellness.

The University of Michigan unveiled habits that help keep your gut healthy: try to eat fresh food, eat breakfast every day, cut back on caffeine, and exercise daily.

5. Regulate the consumption of processed or packaged foods

These foods have countless preservatives that, in the long term, will be very harmful to the liver. For example, fast food often contains a lot of salt, which alters blood pressure and therefore also affects the liver.

Apple cider vinegar 3

6. Eat right

Do not do it in a hurry, take your time, this will make the food mix with the saliva and reach the stomach better. As the years go by, the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases, and this causes digestion to be heavier and more difficult.

As this research indicates, stress threatens liver health, and eating more slowly is a factor that influences this. In addition, as the publication cited in point 3 indicates, having a healthy weight also implies eating more calmly, so we will contribute in several ways to the well-being of the body.

7. Always look for organic and pesticide-free products

We know that today it is somewhat complex, because food is often accompanied by artificial ingredients such as colors, preservatives, flavorings, artificial sweeteners, etc.

As far as possible, we should avoid them, look in supermarkets for those foods free of pesticides and the most natural, something essential for the health of our liver and for the body in general, as stated in this publication of the School Public Harvard Health.

8. Look for the most natural proteins

Here we focus again on this essential factor: it is always preferable to obtain protein from legumes than from red meat. We can consume, for example:

  • Cereals.
  • Green peas.
  • Lentils.
  • Walnuts.

9. Avoid constipation

It is an essential care to avoid accumulating toxins and damaging your liver. For it:

  • Try to drink plenty of water.
  • Consume fresh fruits or juices, although these have less fiber than whole fruits.
  • Eat whole grains and nuts.

10. Avoid saturated fats

They are very harmful to the liver, as they make it fatty and can produce the so-called “fatty liver”. As the previously cited sources indicate, avoid consuming alcohol and maintain a balanced diet to prevent excess fat from altering your metabolic functions.

11. Eat the most suitable vegetables for your liver

Some of these fruits and vegetables are ideal thanks to their cleansing and healing effects, as they contain flavonoids and carotenoids:

  • Carrot.
  • Beet.
  • Radishes
  • Strawberries.
  • Grapes.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Barley leaves.

Keep in mind these keys that we have given you to take care of the liver and not give it too much work when it comes to purifying toxins. In this way, you can lead a healthy life and feel much better!

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