4 Recipes To Prepare Ancient Mustard

Mustard seed can be used naturally or processed. In fact, one of the versions contains whole seeds.  Exactly about her we will talk to you today; We teach you how to prepare old mustard!

It should be noted that this is an excellent way to enjoy the flavor of this seed straight from planting to table.

Depending on its presentation, mustard can be a good ingredient or an excellent food garnish. Well, it offers a particular flavor to food.

In addition, it  has beneficial properties for the body. In this sense, it helps digestion and is a vasodilator, which helps to improve the circulatory system. It also has minerals such as magnesium, potassium and selenium.

In itself, mustard, whose origin is ancient, comes from a plant family of the cabbage. There are more than 40 species of mustards ; the most common for preparations are white and black.

Read on and find out how to prepare it.

Ways to prepare ancient mustard

Whole grain old mustard

Making whole grain old mustard

The most consumed mustard presentation is Dijon, it is originally from France and is known as the first processed version of this seed. So, to prepare old Dijon mustard you need:

  • Salt to taste).
  • 1 tablespoon (50 g) of brown mustard.
  • 1 tablespoon (50 g) of white mustard.
  • 120 mL of wine vinegar (1 glass).
  • 30 cc (2 tablespoons) of lemon juice.


  • First, place the seeds in a container together with the wine vinegar and leave to rest in the fridge for 12 hours.
  • Then, in a mixer, grind the seeds without being completely crushed and bring the preparation to the fire.
  • The next step is to cook over medium heat, without a lid, until the wine evaporates.
  • Then add a teaspoon of salt and correct the vinegar if necessary.
  • Then  cook for 30 more minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Next, let it cool down and add the lemon juice. The result will be a jelly-like mixture with the mustard seeds.
  • Finally, store in an airtight jar.

 Old mustard with spices


  • 1 tablespoon (50 g) of white mustard.
  • 75 mL (½ cup) of wine vinegar.
  • 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) brown sugar.
  • 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) of turmeric.
  • 1.25 g (½ teaspoon) of salt.
  • 50 mL of water.


  • First, put all the ingredients in a container and let it rest in the fridge for 72 hours.
  • Then, take the preparation to a blender and beat without crushing the mixture.
  • Finally, store in an airtight jar in the fridge for two weeks or until the bitter touch is gone.

4 recipes with old mustard

Now that we have explained how to prepare old mustard, we present, then, 4 recipes that include it.

 Baked chicken with spices and mustard

Baked chicken with spices and mustard


  • 1.60 kg (1 whole chicken).
  • 20 g (4 tablespoons) of old mustard.
  • Provencal herbs (mixture of thyme, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, basil, bay leaf).


  • First, wash the chicken well with lemon.
  • Then remove the skin and place it in a baking dish.
  • Then spread the chicken with the mustard and sprinkle with the herbs.
  • Finally, bake at 180 ° C for an hour and a half.

 Pork with mustard


  • 1 pork tenderloin of 600 g (approximately).
  • 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) of olive oil.
  • 2 tablespoons (10 g) of old mustard.
  • 2 teaspoons (5 g) of brown sugar.
  • 2.5 (1 teaspoon) butter.
  • 1 onion, diced.
  • 150 cc (1 glass) of white wine.
  • 2 large garlic cloves
  • Salt and pepper (to taste).


    • First, heat the butter and oil in a large skillet.
    • Then, season the pork and seal it. Once marked, reserve.
    • Next, in the same pan, fry the onion and garlic. Then add the wine and reduce it.
    • Then add the mustard together with the sugar and let it reduce to a simmer.
    • Then, in a baking dish, place the pork and cover with the sauce.
    • To finish, bake at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

    Tuna pate with mustard

    Tuna pate with mustard


    • 200 g of canned tuna.
    • 2.5 g (1 teaspoon) of olive oil.
    • 2.5 (1 teaspoon) old mustard.
    • 5 g (1 tablespoon) of lemon juice.
    • 15 g (3 tablespoons) of heavy cream.
    • Chopped chives (to taste)
    • Salt and pepper (to taste).


    • First, in a bowl, crumble the tuna and add all the ingredients.
    • Then mix well until you have a smooth paste.
    • Finally refrigerate and serve at the moment. An innovative accompaniment, surprising for its flavor.

     Mustard dip

     This recipe is ideal to accompany cooked prawns and shrimp, or any other type of seafood.


    • 1 egg.
    • 1 piece of celery.
    • 45 cc (3 tablespoons lemon juice).
    • 200 mL (1 cup) of olive oil.
    • 1 branch of chives.
    • 1 tablespoon (5 g) of old mustard.
    • 15 g (3 tablespoons) of toasted and peeled walnuts.


    • The first step is to add all the ingredients in the blender and then beat until you get a homogeneous mixture.
    • Next, add salt and pepper to taste.
    • Then refrigerate and enjoy when cool.

    Now, we hope you take advantage of all these incredible recipes and delicious dishes, sharing with family and friends. To eat!

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