5 Morning Habits For Every Day

Morning habits matter more than meets the eye. These set the tone for how our rhythm will be for the rest of the day. For this reason, it is essential to take care of our first actions.

When we wake up we need to activate our body to be able to carry out all the tasks that we have set ourselves. Although activation is considered to start with the first sip of coffee, it actually begins in bed.

Yes, the first morning habit that gives us energy and enthusiasm for the day is found in bed. By stretching or stretching when we get up, we signal to the body that it is time to move from inactivity to activity. We also release muscle tension and get rid of the feeling of numbness.

Here are the 5 best morning habits that will help you in your day to day. You will see that they are energizing and extremely positive for our health.

Morning habits

1. Ear massage

The ears have a large number of nerve endings that are connected to the rest of our body. For this reason, an ear rub is one of the best morning habits.

A simple massage on the ears when waking up helps the body to get ready for activity in good spirits. If we perform the massage more or less quickly, we will activate the circulation and this will help us wake up.

2. A glass of water with lemon

Among the morning habits that provide more energy is hydration. After having gone several hours without drinking fluids, the body needs to hydrate itself in order to activate its functions.

A good idea to hydrate ourselves in the morning is to change the coffee for a glass of warm water with lemon. This helps improve the functioning of our digestive system. On the other hand, it also helps our liver and our intestines by improving our intestinal flora.

Another of the properties of warm lemon water is that it eliminates toxins and strengthens our immune system, which has a lot of benefits.

It will only be necessary to squeeze a quarter or half a lemon over the warm water and consume it in an approximate time of between 20 and 30 minutes before our breakfast every morning.

3. Clean your tongue


Surely we have all been taught since childhood that we must brush our teeth two or three times a day to maintain our oral health. Well, this action is also part of the morning habits that activate us.

It is important that when we brush our teeth in the morning, we do not forget about the tongue. Why? because this part accumulates a large amount of bacteria that can promote the appearance of bacteria and unpleasant odors. In addition to dental plaque, cavities and a wide variety of different diseases in our gums.

4. A tablespoon of honey

Honey has multiple properties and benefits. One of them is that it helps to stimulate memory given the vitamins and minerals it contains. You probably only remembered it as one of the ingredients to relieve the symptoms of the common cold, cough or even allergy.

To stimulate memory, there is nothing better than taking a tablespoon of honey every morning.

On the other hand, it is preferable that the honey is fresh and natural. If it seems too sweet you can dissolve it in a glass with water or milk. The effect will be the same. Many people choose to sweeten their first coffee with a tablespoon of honey.

5. Rinse your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide solution

In addition to brushing our teeth and our tongue, another of the morning habits that we can acquire to improve our oral health is rinsing our mouth with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

It is enough to put between 5 and 7 drops in half a liter of water and rinse the mouth every morning since in this way we will help to whiten our teeth. It also helps eliminate bad breath odors and prevent or cure some gum diseases.

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