5 Recipes With Coffee That You Did Not Know

In Spain different types of coffees are drunk on a regular basis. For example, the cut, the stained, the solo or the bonbon, among others. However, there are a large number of recipes with coffee that can be enjoyed occasionally as part of the diet.

Are you fond of this drink? Today we want to share several alternative ways to take advantage of its delicious flavor. However, we advise you to consult your nutritionist first, since in some cases it is better to avoid recipes. Take note!

5 recipes with coffee that you did not know

Due to its interesting nutritional composition, coffee has been researched for decades. One of the most recent studies, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , concluded that regular consumption of this food could help reduce the risk of falls in older adults. It may also have benefits in controlling type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Now, we leave the above only as a curious fact, since it must be taken into account that recipes with coffee contain other ingredients that can vary their nutritional composition and properties. Therefore, we advise taking them occasionally, in moderate portions. Keep that in mind!

1. Coconut iced coffee

Coconut ice cream

The first of these coffee recipes combines the creaminess of coconut with the intense flavor of coffee and the spicy touch of cinnamon. It is an easy drink to prepare and with a very attractive and pleasant taste.


  • Intense coffee (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut ice cream (10 g)
  • ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon (1.2 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of grated coconut (2.5 g)


  • To start preparing this simple recipe, we will prepare a single coffee that has an intense flavor.
  • Then we add a tablespoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of coconut ice cream.
  • Next, we add the cinnamon and mix it well.
  • In the end, just sprinkle the coconut grates on top to have this delicious drink ready.

    2. Coffee with banana

    In this recipe we will combine the sweetness of the banana with the powerful flavor of the coffee to achieve a captivating mixture. In addition, as corroborated by data collected in a publication in the journal  Food Chemistry , the banana is a very nutritious fruit.


    • Intense coffee (to taste)
    • Chocolate chips (to taste)
    • 1 tablespoon of dulce de leche (10 g)
    • 4 tablespoons of banana syrup (40 ml)


    • We start by mixing the dulce de leche with the banana syrup.
    • Later, when we have a homogeneous mixture, we add the single and concentrated coffee.
    • Finally, we put chocolate chips on top to give a better presentation and a special touch to this recipe with coffee.

    3. Indian spiced coffee


    This drink can surprise diners with a coffee with oriental touches .  This is one of the most exotic coffee recipes!


    • 1 teaspoon of chai tea (2.5 g)
    • ½ cup of hot milk (100 ml)
    • ½ teaspoon of cocoa powder (2.5 g)
    • Indian coffee (to taste)


    • To prepare this Indian coffee, we start by heating the milk and adding the chai when it is almost boiling. Afterwards, we let the tea infuse for about 3 or 4 minutes.
    • Meanwhile, we prepare a double Indian coffee. When it’s ready, strain the milk to remove the tea remains and pour it over the coffee.
    • Finally, we mix it well and sprinkle the cocoa on top.

    4. Brownies with coffee

    Recipes with coffee: Brownie with coffee.

    This dessert with coffee is perfect to enjoy in a group, in any social gathering and occasion. It can also be enjoyed occasionally as a snack, as long as there are no inconveniences to take sugar.


    • 2 eggs (60 g)
    • ¼ cup of cocoa (30 ml)
    • ½ cup of coffee (120 ml)
    • 2 cups of sugar (480 g)
    • 2 cups of flour (480 g)
    • 1 cup of butter (180 g)
    • 1 teaspoon of vanilla (2.5 g)
    • ½ cup of plain yogurt (120 g)
    • 1 teaspoon of baking powder (2.5 g)


    • To begin the preparation of this recipe, we let the butter melt in the microwave. Next, we add the cocoa and coffee powder.
    • Afterwards, we mix it together with the sugar and flour and stir it until we get a homogeneous dough.
    • Next, we add the yogurt, the yeast, the eggs and the vanilla, and we stir again until everything is well integrated into the mixture.
    • To finish, we pour it on a baking tin that is well greased to avoid sticking once done.
    • Bake for 20 minutes at 200ºC.
    • Once ready, take it out and let it cool to room temperature before serving.

    5. Beef dice with coffee

    Finally, a way to apply coffee recipes to a savory dish. It can be  for a starter or for a dinner for several people.


    • 1 kg of beef
    • 4 tablespoons of oil (40 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of mustard (20 g)
    • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce (40 ml)
    • ½ cup of brewed coffee (120 ml)
    • Salt and pepper to taste)


    • To start, we mix the coffee with the oil, the soy sauce and the coffee in a bowl.
    • Besides, we cut the meat into cubes and we dress it with the mixture that we have prepared before.
    • We must let the meat rest for an hour and, after this time, drain it, reserving the liquid that we remove, and prick the beef dice on wooden sticks.
    • Then we roast them in a large skillet or on a griddle, making sure to flip them several times so that they cook evenly.
    • When they are almost ready, we add the remains of the sauce that we had reserved before and let it reduce a little so that the flavor is more concentrated.
    • Finally, to make the last of these recipes with coffee ready, add salt and pepper to taste and remove the beef cubes from the pan.
    • To finish, pour the remains of the sauce that remains in the pan over the meat, which will have become thicker, more concentrated, and will greatly intensify the flavor of the recipe.
    • With this last dish we can give a particular use to coffee, using it in a salty recipe so that it provides an intense and very special flavor to the beef.

    Do you dare to try these recipes with coffee? As you can see, they are very varied ways to enjoy the intense flavor of this food. However, we must bear in mind that they can be high in calories and, therefore, are not suitable for all types of diets. If in doubt, consult a nutrition professional.

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