6 Fruits With Few Calories And Many Nutrients: They Are Delicious!

If you love fruits but do not want to gain a lot of weight, you should know that it is possible to eat fruits with few calories and many nutrients.

As always, when it comes to food,  the key is balance and moderation. We all know that the most appropriate thing is to consume between 2 and 4 pieces a day, so it is worth being varied and not limiting ourselves to just one type of fruit.

In this article, we want to show you  6 fruits with few calories and many nutrients. We are sure that the information will be useful to you!

1. The watermelon

Watermelon, based on the information provided by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), gives you 21 kcal per 100 grams. Not bad at all, right? It is one of the most refreshing, healthy and suitable fruits for our body.

And is that watermelon is very rich in water and fiber. In addition, among its benefits, lycopene stands out, a very powerful type of antioxidant that helps to fight against cellular oxidation, as well as to prevent numerous diseases, in certain cases.

Some people think that watermelon is “just water.” However,  this fruit is rich in vitamin B, vitamin C and potassium, magnificent elements to take care of our heart and help us fight against LDL cholesterol.

2. Grapefruit or grapefruit

Didn’t you just like its acidic and strong flavor? Well, making that little effort will always be worth it, especially at your breakfast.

Regular consumption of grapefruit can improve your health and will not make you gain weight, since it has only 35 kcal per 100 grams, according to information from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN).

Grapefruit benefits

  • Grapefruit is a fruit that also helps us regulate LDL cholesterol levels, thanks to its pectin content.
  • In addition, each day it will provide you with a good dose of calcium, vitamins A, B, and C, iron and phosphorus.

3. Papaya

Papaya, in addition to being delicious, is one of the fruits with few calories and many nutrients.

Melon, pineapple and papaya juice

This can improve our digestion, take care of our bacterial flora and raise our defenses. According to this information, endorsed by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, for every 100 g, we obtain a contribution of between 40 and 50 calories.

The most interesting thing about papaya are its digestive enzymes, which help us to better synthesize proteins. It is also rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as folic acid and multiple minerals that will help you start the day with maximum energy.

4. The lemon

The always healthy lemon could not be missing from this list. It is the king of citrus fruits and one of the low calorie fruits that should always be in our diet. In fact, it only contains 44 kcal per 100 grams.

Lemons can favor the alkalization of our body.  Therefore, they become a product that can help us eliminate toxins and improve the general functioning of our body.

Likewise, it is rich in vitamin C, iron, copper, potassium and naringerin, a type of antioxidant that contributes to the metabolism of carbohydrates and to strengthen our immune system.

5. The pomegranate, one of the fruits with few calories more indicated

With only 34 kcal per 100 grams, according to information from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), the pomegranate helps us maintain our figure and, in addition, it  can be useful to eliminate those fat deposits that accumulate in our arteries.

Pomegranates are very nutritious. They will provide you from the classic vitamin C, to provitamin A, B complex vitamins, potassium, calcium and even that mineral so important for women: magnesium. You can consume them naturally or in juice.

6. Strawberries

You may have been surprised to see strawberries on our list. It is common to associate this fruit with desserts rich in sugars and fats that awaken both our appetite and our craving for sweets: strawberries with chocolate, strawberries with cream …

Strawberry basket.

They are delicious, we know that. Consumed naturally and without any additives, they become a tribute to health. In fact, for 100 grams you will get only 40 kcal.

Benefits of strawberries

  • They are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants such as vitamin E, as well as flavonoids that help fight infections and fight free radicals.
  • Strawberry polyphenols can be useful to avoid many cardiovascular problems.
  • Thanks to their balance between sodium and potassium, in certain cases they help combat fluid retention.
  • Strawberries are often used in weight loss diets because they can help us detoxify the body, purify the blood and regulate hyperuricemia.
  • They are also recommended for certain types of diabetes, although it is not a miracle product, so you should consult your doctor in this case.

Fruits with a high calorie content

Once we have reached this point, we are sure that you will be interested in knowing which fruits can make us gain weight.

Actually, it’s not just about avoiding caloric fruits, but about consuming them in moderation. Some of them are:

  • The avocados.
  • The cherries.
  • Plums.
  • The bananas.
  • Dates.
  • Figs.
  • Peaches.
  • The oranges.

Since you already know a lot of fruits with few calories and many nutrients, it is time for you to start including them in your diet. They will help you maintain good health without gaining weight.

If you consume them with balance and combining them with each other throughout the day, you will achieve great internal well-being that will also be noticeable on the outside.

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