6 Important Things That We Forget To Clean At Home

Despite all efforts to clean the house and leave it spotless,  we all forget to clean something at times. There are some corners and objects that we do not remember, and we do not usually clean them as often as we would recommend. Unfortunately, they tend to accumulate bacteria that can be harmful and create bad odors.

Places we forget to clean at home

1. Top of the fridge and cupboards

We forget to clean all the parts of the fridge

The upper part of the cupboards, if they do not reach the ceiling, accumulates dust and dirt. It is a difficult area to access, but it must be cleaned at least twice a year. This includes the top of the refrigerator, where cooking grease can also accumulate.

How to clean:

  • Take a bucket.
  • Fill it with clean water (5 liters).
  • Add half a glass of ammonia.
  • Dampen a rag in the bucket.
  • Finally, clean all surfaces with that cloth.

2. Trash can and nearby places

It is important to clean it every 15 days, both around the cube and the surfaces in contact with it. Sometimes the waste falls out of the bin, decomposes and can give off an unpleasant odor.

How to clean:

  • Dampen a clean cloth with water and bleach.
  • Then, wipe the basket and nearby surfaces.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Finally, let it dry.

3. The broom

Normally, we forget to clean the cleaning materials.  However, it is essential to keep them clean, otherwise they will not be useful for your work. Generally, dirt, hair and other dirt are trapped between the bristles of brooms.

How to clean:

  • Pour 4 liters of clean water into a bucket.
  • Add some detergent.
  • Dip the broom and clean it.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Let dry.

4. Ceiling fans and lamps

As they are not up to the rest of the elements, we usually forget to clean what hangs from the ceiling. The tops of lamps and ceiling fan blades collect dust and dirt that you don’t normally see. You want to prevent this dirt from spreading through the air and contaminating the room.

How to clean: 

  • Remove surface dust with a feather duster.
  • Then , dampen a cloth with detergent and water and wipe it all over the lamp or fan.

Lamps are items that we forget to clean easily

5. Pillows and mattress

Even if bedding is used to protect them, they must be cleaned from time to time. They accumulate remains of dead cells, sweat and hair. By spending so many hours on them, moisture is generated, which encourages the growth of certain germs.

How to clean:

  • Remove the sheets, protectors … everything that covers them.
  • Next, have a glass of baking soda (200 grams).
  • With a strainer, spread the baking soda all over the mattress.
  • Leave on for 3 hours.
  • Lastly, breathe in. The baking soda will wash away all the dirt.

6. Ecological bags to go to the supermarket

These types of bags, usually made of cloth, are fantastic for taking care of the environment. The problem is that sometimes, a package can be opened and some of its content can be spilled. We advise you to clean them because food spoils easily.

How to clean:

  • Remove any large debris you find on it.
  • Then, put it  in the washing machine with mild soap.
  • Finally let it dry and use it again.

It is very important to live in a clean and healthy environment. Can you think of more corners that you forget to clean?

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