7 Reasons Why You Should Add Eggs To Your Diet

Despite their undeserved bad reputation, eggs are very suitable for our health, so it is advisable to include them in our diet about three or five times a week.

In this article we will explain why adding eggs to your diet is a smart and excellent option. You see, the egg is one of the most consumed ingredients in the world and, due to its high nutritional quality, it is one of the so-called “superfoods”.

It had a bad reputation for many decades for its relationship with cholesterol. However, today it is considered essential for any diet.

Although it contains a small amount of fat, its great contribution of proteins of high biological value, as well as vitamins and minerals, make it worthy of an important place in the regular diet.

For this reason it is important to leave behind the myths about its consumption. As well as knowing what are the benefits it provides to the body.

Here are  7 important reasons why you should eat them without feeling remorse.

Reasons why you should add eggs to your diet

1. They help you lose weight

Eggs can help you lose weight more easily. As long as they are included in a healthy, low-calorie diet

  • They contain vitamins and minerals that help meet the nutritional requirements of the body. This helps to avoid energy deficiencies or crashes.
  • On the other hand, its easily assimilated proteins support the formation of muscle mass and increase sports performance.
  • It is one of the most satisfying foods, so it reduces food cravings.
  • In itself, each whole egg provides, approximately, only 77 calories.

2. Reduce fatigue

Consuming this food at breakfast can help you control morning tiredness and the feeling of fatigue that interrupts your workday.

  • Its light contribution of fats and essential amino acids increase the energy level. This contributes to improving physical and mental productivity.
  • It also contains vitamin B12. This nutrient  supports the transformation of carbohydrates into energy sources.

    3. They protect visual health

    Including eggs in your diet helps you protect your visual health

    It is a good choice to include eggs in your diet when it comes to taking care of your visual health.

    • It is a significant source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two substances with antioxidant action. By protecting your tissues, they reduce the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and blindness.
    • It also provides significant amounts of vitamin A. The deficiency of this nutrient is associated with the highest incidence of visual diseases.

    4. Improve cognitive health

    Eggs contain a nutrient known as choline. Its assimilation in the body is decisive to protect cognitive health.

    • This substance, which is usually grouped with the B vitamins in food, helps to build cell membranes to prevent premature deterioration of the brain.
    • In turn, the body uses it for the production of signaling molecules in the brain. Participate in memory, among other things.
    • In addition, its assimilation regulates the activity of the nervous system, and also helps to keep the activity of neurotransmitters in balance.

    5. Reduce inflammation

    Including eggs in your diet helps you reduce inflammation

    Foods rich in added fats, sugars, and chemicals often trigger inflammatory reactions in the body. These, in turn, can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in several of your major systems.

    The egg, due to its content of choline, amino acids and antioxidants, is a food that counteracts this reaction, providing protection to cells and tissues.

    • In the first place, it intervenes in brain and circulatory system health, helping to maintain an optimal cellular oxygenation process.
    • Also, accompanied with a healthy diet, it helps to stimulate the elimination of waste that travels through the blood.
    • In addition, it promotes the production of collagen, an essential substance to keep the joints healthy.

    6. Strengthens the immune system

    Including eggs in your regular diet is an effective way to improve the activity of the immune system.  Well, they contribute to increasing its ability to fight against pathogenic microorganisms that attack the body.

    It is due to its contribution of essential nutrients, which participate in the formation of antibodies.

    Some of the highlights are:

    • Vitamins (A, from complex B, D, E, K)
    • Minerals (selenium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc)

    7. Help strengthen bones

    Including eggs in your diet helps you strengthen bones

    Consuming this food on a regular basis enhances the benefits of diet and exercise to keep bones strong and healthy.

    • This is due to its slight calcium intake, which can help prevent loss of bone density.
    • It is also valued for being one of the best food sources of vitamin D, a nutrient that favors the absorption of calcium and is involved in the production of bone tissue.

    How often do you consume this food? Now that you have more reasons to add eggs to your diet, feel free to consume them 3-5 times a week.

    There are many ways to prepare them and you can incorporate them into dozens of recipes.

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