7 Warning Signs Of Poor Traffic That We Sometimes Ignore

Poor circulation is a series of annoyances that significantly affect the wellbeing of many. And over the years, it shows even more. For this reason, most of the people who live with this problem belong to the elderly group.

However, poor circulation is not a matter that depends only on the passage of time in the body. There are several risk groups, with very different age ranges. Therefore, it is clear that poor circulation not only affects older adults, but also people with certain health conditions or bad lifestyle habits.

Next, we will tell you what are the seven warning signs that often go unnoticed and that can be an indication of poor circulation.

1. Skin changes

The skin is an organ that reflects the alterations that occur in the body. Therefore, when spots of certain pigmentation appear in certain areas of the body, it can be a sign of poor circulation.

The most common areas where poor circulation ‘spots’ appear are the legs and feet. These spots can be red or purplish in color and occur when blood seeps out of the blood vessels.

Instead of blemishes, the skin may appear excessively pale or bluish. In this sense, the most affected areas are: nose, lips, ears, nipples, hands and feet.

Skin changes can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dry skin. Although dryness is not usually associated with poor circulation, it does not hurt to take it into account.

2. Swelling in the feet

When there is poor circulation, the extremities are the last to receive the supply of oxygen and nutrients provided by the blood. As the blood does not arrive in the same amount, the body tries to compensate for the failure by accumulating fluids, also known as ‘edema’.

The edema produces, in turn, cyanosis. This means that, in addition to turning bluish, the feet will swell regularly and the toes will appear bruised, as if they have suffered a concussion. 


3. Weak hair and nails

Hair loss and weak nails can be a symptom of many things, from stress to a nutritional deficit. However, it can also indicate poor circulation.

In this sense, if the hair and nails do not receive the supply of oxygen and nutrients they need, they will weaken and fall easily. So weak, dry hair and brittle nails can be a sign of poor circulation.

4. Slower digestions

The digestive process requires a good blood flow to be able to reach term correctly. Therefore, when it occurs heavily, accompanied by: abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, bloody stools, this may be a sign of poor circulation.

5. Low defenses

This is another aspect that, although it is not usually associated with poor circulation, must be taken into account. When blood flow is slower, the immune system stops detecting and fighting pathogens as efficiently as it should. Therefore, it is more vulnerable to infections.

The immune system is strengthened

It may interest you: How to improve circulation in the legs

6. Cold hands and feet

This is the best known symptom of poor circulation: the sensation of cold in the hands and feet. This signal indicates that blood circulation is slower in these parts of the body, because it takes longer for blood to reach them. 

7. Fatigue

Extreme chronic fatigue is another symptom of poor circulation. This is due to the fact that the heart must pump with more force (which is an overstrain) to be able to facilitate venous return and thus, maintain the functioning of the organism.

Feeling tired from poor circulation

When there is a poor amount of oxygen and nutrients, shortly after starting work, climbing stairs or doing some light exercise, fatigue and discomfort will appear. This is largely due to the lack of oxygen the muscles receive.

In case you experience one or more of these symptoms, go to your doctor for a physical evaluation and tell you what is the origin of your discomfort. In case it indicates that you have poor circulation, try to follow its instructions and improve your lifestyle as soon as possible.

How to avoid poor blood circulation?

Poor blood circulation can be prevented and fought with a healthy lifestyle that has a good diet and exercise routine among its pillars.

Remember, consistent and healthy habits will help prevent both poor circulation and more serious problems, such as: heart attacks, varicose veins, clots, blood clots and even a stroke.

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