8 Foods To Eliminate From Your Diet To Avoid Mucus

Some foods have been associated with greater discomfort when suffering from mucus. Which are? What should we know about it? In this space we are going to detail them.

The accumulation of mucus in the airways causes symptoms such as congestion. Although it can be controlled with some medications, it is also important to watch your diet. Did you know that you should limit some foods in your diet to avoid mucus?

Although these are not the direct triggers of excess mucus, their intake can influence the processes that increase its production. Therefore, although many contain important nutrients, it is better to avoid them when you have this problem. Here we detail them!

What is the function of mucus?

Mucus is a viscous secretion that lines the membranes of the body and  contains antiseptic enzymes and immunoglobulins.  In the respiratory system, mucus is responsible for trapping small particles, such as bacteria and dust, which try to enter the rest of the body through the nose.

By acting as a protector of the lungs, mucus tends to increase in the respiratory tract when some type of infection occurs, such as the flu, colds or allergies.

Excess mucus is an annoying symptom that can make us feel sick and weak during the day. The worst thing is that, if it is not given timely treatment, it can occur in several areas of the body, such as the nose, chest, ears and throat.

This symptom is a defense mechanism against viruses and bacteria that affect the respiratory system. Therefore, to reduce its excessive production, the source of the problem must be addressed.

Foods that you should exclude from your diet to avoid mucus

In a diet to avoid mucus  , foods that, due to their composition, can increase mucus production, according to information from the Lung Institute’s , should be excluded . Likewise, it is necessary to limit the intake of those ingredients that can affect the health of the immune system.

1. Dairy products

Dairy products can make some people feel like their mucus and saliva is thicker and harder to swallow. However, as detailed in a review published in the British Medical Journal , there is no evidence that milk leads to excessive mucus secretion.

Knowing this, we should only avoid this variety of foods when we feel that they make the mucus thicker. Otherwise, they can be consumed without problem.

Dairy products

2. Red meat

Research has not been able to prove that red meat increases mucus. However, it is believed that its consumption can worsen the secretion and accumulation of mucus in the respiratory passages. Therefore, in case of flu, colds and the like, its intake is discouraged.

3. Fats and oils of animal origin

Most diets include large amounts of animal-based fats and oils, such as butter, lard, and omega-6 fatty acids. However, these are foods that are best left out of a diet to avoid mucus. Instead it is preferable to take sources of omega 3 fatty acids such as olive oil.

4. Certain varieties of fruits and vegetables

We know that fruits and vegetables are an important part of the diet and we must consume them daily to take advantage of all their benefits. However, when there is an excessive production of mucus, it is better to avoid some varieties such as the following: 

  • Corn
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet potato
  • Potato

5. Wheat

Wheat is one of the foods that affect the excessive production of phlegm. Although the components that cause this problem are unknown, some studies suggest that it has to do with gluten. In any case, limiting it from the diet in case of colds and flu can favor the relief of congestion.

Limit gluten in your diet to avoid mucus

6. Drinks that lead to dehydration

When we have a respiratory infection it is key to increase the consumption of water and hydrating foods to deal with the problem. Some people might find that drinking soda or soda is a good option for hydrating the body.

However, soft drinks contain high amounts of sugars and other components that only dehydrate the body. This, in turn, results in difficulties in expelling excess mucus.

7. Walnuts and peanuts

Nuts can increase mucus and phlegm production in people who have intolerances or allergies, explained in this Journal of Asthma and Allergy publication . The same can happen with other types of food intolerances.

8. Refined foods

Refined foods like sugar and flour are difficult to digest and can make congestion problems worse. Likewise, people who suffer from gluten intolerance should avoid it since, in addition to suffering from digestive problems, they can also suffer discomfort from excess mucus and phlegm.

Diet to avoid mucus: what to remember?

In case of mucus, it is best to limit the consumption of the foods mentioned. Although the evidence is still insufficient, anecdotal data suggests that this symptom could worsen.

However, instead, it is convenient to increase the consumption of healthy foods that help to strengthen the immune system. According to an article published by the Harvard School of Public Health , it is advisable to ingest sources of probiotics and prebiotics; vitamins A, B6, C, D and E; and minerals like zinc, selenium, iron, and copper.

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