8 Kidney Failure Symptoms Most People Ignore

Since kidney failure symptoms can be confused with other common conditions, it is important to pay attention to them and seek medical help if 2 or more occur.

Are you curious to know what the symptoms of kidney failure are? In that case, do not worry, because below we will present them to you, as well as other interesting information, related to kidney health.

Kidney failure is a disease that can manifest itself without the person realizing it in its early stages. In fact, its symptoms are often confused with other more common conditions. However, when suspected, the best thing to do is go to the doctor for a check-up and early diagnosis.

Let’s see more about this disease below as well as the importance of paying attention to certain symptoms in particular.

What functions do the kidneys have?

The kidneys are located just below the rib cage and are responsible for processing between 120 and 150 liters of blood per day. This means that they are two organs that play a key role in the health of the entire body.

Its main functions are: 

  • Regulation of electrolytes and volume.
  • Nitrogen waste excretion.
  • Elimination of acid produced by the cells of the body.
  • Synthesis of a variety of hormones, for example, erythropoietin.
  • Metabolization of low molecular weight proteins, for example, insulin.

When there is kidney failure, the kidneys are unable to perform the excretory function and, therefore, the health of the entire organism suffers. This results in the appearance of various symptoms.

8 symptoms of kidney failure you should know

Let’s see below what are the eight symptoms of kidney failure, so that you take them into account when discussing them with the doctor in the consultation.

1. Inflammation, one of the symptoms of kidney failure

Edema or swelling

Due to the difficulties that diseased kidneys present, the tissues can retain fluids and cause inflammation. This symptom is caused by several diseases, but in most cases it has to do with a kidney problem. The swelling is evident in:

  • The feet.
  • The legs.
  • The ankles.
  • The face.
  • Hands.
  • The abdomen.

2. Irregular heartbeat

The risk of kidney failure is higher for people who also have atrial fibrillation, one of the most common forms of irregular heartbeat in adults.

However, it is not yet known to what extent treating atrial fibrillation will improve outcomes for people with chronic kidney disease.

3. Changes in urination

Changes in urination

Changes in urination are easy to detect and are the most obvious symptoms of a kidney disorder. Among these stands out:

  • Feeling of pressure and difficulty urinating.
  • Urine is accompanied by bleeding.
  • Color changes in urine, it is much darker and with a strong odor.
  • Increase or decrease the amount of urine.
  • Urine is foamy or bubbly.
  • The desire to urinate at night increases.
  • The person is incontinent.
  • Burning when you finish urinating.

4. Fatigue

One of the main tasks of these organs is to produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which is involved in the production of red blood cells, to carry oxygen through the blood.

After suffering kidney failure, the secretion of this substance decreases and, as a consequence, increases the feeling of fatigue. Due to this, the person presents a greater feeling of fatigue, pain in the muscles and concentration problems.

5. Feeling cold

Cold feeling due to kidney failure

Kidney failure lowers red blood cells and therefore increases the risk of anemia. Along with these types of reactions, there is a lack of energy and a strong feeling of cold that make the patient feel sick.

In addition, those who suffer from this condition assure that the cold does not diminish even by being exposed to the sun, and they even go through episodes of chills.

6. Lower back pain

A stabbing pain in the lower back or one of its sides may indicate kidney disease. This ailment is related to polycystic kidney disease, stones and liver conditions, and it tends to increase after prolonged standing.

It should not be confused with common muscle pain, as it is key to detecting these disorders early.

7. Metallic taste in the mouth, one of the symptoms of kidney failure

Metallic flavor in the mouth

Damage to the kidneys increases the presence of toxins in the blood and leads to various disorders due to the cells it affects. Among these we find that many experience a bad taste when eating food and, after eating, have bad breath.

There is a metallic taste in the mouth, like ammonia. Thus, the loss of taste for various foods leads to nutritional deficiencies.

8. Nausea and vomiting

Constant nausea and vomiting for no apparent reason could be warning of a difficulty in kidney function. Because waste is not removed properly, these symptoms increase and worsen with loss of appetite.

What to do if you have symptoms of kidney failure?

Symptoms of kidney failure vary from person to person, and according to the degree of severity. Sometimes it occurs because you already have another disease or are among the factors considered risk, such as age, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, liver disease or some types of cancer and its treatments.

However, presenting two or more of the symptoms mentioned here is more than enough reason to seek medical attention. It is also recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity, whenever possible.

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