8 Questions To Get To Know Ourselves And Others Better

By dealing with certain topics, it is possible to establish enriching conversations with which to go deeper.

Establishing a deep relationship with another person can be complex, be it as a couple, friendship or even coworkers. On many occasions, due to various circumstances, it seems that you tend to get to know others in a merely superficial way.  But, there is good news: it is possible to remedy this situation.

Sometimes a conversation in which certain topics are discussed can be very enriching for both parties, as well as help to deepen the relationship (and strengthen the bond). At the same time, talking about these topics may help us learn more about ourselves.

Next, we propose different questions that cover diverse topics on which it is possible to reflect. Through these, always in a polite way, you can debate with others to be able to know other opinions and at the same time better understand the person.

Remember that the important thing is not to impose your opinion on the other, or to show that you are better or worse than someone else. It is simply about sharing, exchanging views and appreciating everything, not just the differences that may arise.

1. How did you live your childhood?

In moments of intimacy, be encouraged to ask questions to meet others

Questions about childhood are often perceived by the other person as very intimate. Therefore, you should always ask delicately and without forcing.

In the case of being able to establish a conversation on this subject, it is possible to get to know well the roots of the person and the reason for many of their ways of acting. As many professionals indicate, the personality is forged in childhood. 

Whether you have had a difficult childhood or a happy one, it can be very beneficial to look back at those years that are behind you. This conversation can be especially interesting if it is held, for example, between family members.

2. How do you see me? What do you think I am missing?

In different experiments it has been possible to determine how the image that you think you have of yourself is not usually the same as the one others perceive. Many times this changes, and it can be very beneficial to know how others receive it.

It is about opening your eyes to a reality that you rarely consider yourself. In this way, you can learn from mistakes and improve.

In the same way, it is very positive to share virtues. Telling others what they are good at and receiving these same opinions is very enriching. In this regard, people tend to be surprised since again, many times others are able to see characteristics that the same person does not see.

3. How is your family? Who forms it?

Again, it is about delving into the roots of the person. Talk about the environment in which they have been educated, in which they have grown up. Very interesting experiences and different opinions can be shared. The different stories about people’s lives are full of adventures.

In the same way, it is possible to be interested in the current situation in the family. In the case of feeling that the other person wants to discuss the same topic and open up, you can ask about possible problems that you are experiencing.

Ties can be strengthened through understanding and sensitivity. Also thanks to the trust placed in the other when deciding to deal with the problems with her or him.

It is very important to always treat issues that are sensitive to others with the utmost diligence. Not belittling is essential, and always speak, comment and ask with respect. 

Other questions to get to know others better… and yourself!

4. Do you practice any religion or are you spiritual?

Sometimes talking about religion, spirituality, or political orientation with others seems taboo. In fact, when you debate with respect, cultural conversations are very enriching. Of course, as long as they are based on education.

Asking these types of questions, with respect and calm, can be a good way to discover another point of view and another way of seeing the world. After all, each person is unique and there are very different ways of understanding things.

7. What are your plans for the future?

Asking about people’s future plans is common and can help  to find common ground and passions in which apparently different people coincide. Sometimes, for example, finding out what someone else is planning to do can motivate and encourage you to put more effort into your own goals. 

It can also open options to start new paths by giving new ideas, or helping to carry out those that are proposed.

There are many questions that are asked by inertia, without being aware that they help us to know both others and ourselves. Formulating the appropriate ones will help more than we think to know others.

Never be offended by an answer you don’t like. Not everyone has the same point of view and this is enriching!

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