9 Original And Practical Ideas For Using An Orange

Both the peel and the pulp of the orange offer us multiple alternatives, in the kitchen and outside of it. To get the most out of them, try to get them from organic farming

The orange is a citrus fruit that stands out for its high content of vitamin C, folic acid and minerals such as calcium or phosphorus.

It is an essential food for good health and also very effective as a medicinal remedy for multiple ailments. Therefore, in this article we give you 10 original ideas to take advantage of the orange, both for its consumption and for its use at home.

1. Eliminate toxins with orange

The orange is an excellent fruit to eliminate toxins, cleanse the blood and remineralize the organism. In addition, it is a food with anti-cancer, antioxidant and revitalizing properties.

Oranges are good for health, but we must consume them in moderation. More than three a day and on a regular basis can cause negative side effects.

2. Flavored water

We know that we should drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and take care of the functioning of our kidneys. However, many people find it difficult to drink that much.

One trick to achieve this is to add some fresh orange slices to the water. In this way, we will give it a touch of flavor and color to make it more pleasant. However, we should not abuse, as it can cause tooth decay.

Water with orange.

3. Cough syrup

If we cook the orange peel with brown sugar we will obtain a delicious medicinal syrup to prevent and treat mucus and cough. 


  • 2 whole oranges, well washed
  • 1 ⅓ cup of brown sugar (300 g)


  • We beat the two whole oranges, with the pulp and the peel.
  • We boil the smoothie for 30 minutes together with the brown sugar, which will act as a natural preservative.
  • Once ready, we will let it cool down before straining it and storing it in the fridge in a closed jar.
  • We will take a tablespoon before each meal.

4. Dessert flavoring

To give a touch of refreshing flavor to our desserts we can use the zest of the orange peel. Therefore, we will try to make it ecological.

We recommend adding it in small quantities to the following recipes:

  • Cakes, cupcakes and cookies.
  • Custards, yogurts and custards.
  • Juices and smoothies.
  • As decoration in ice creams and crepes .

We can grate it at the moment or freeze it to always have it ready to use.

5. Home air freshener

If we want to make an original and decorative air freshener for the home, we will only need an orange and a few cloves.

We must puncture the nails in the peel or pulp, we can even do it in the form of drawings or shapes. The orange will give off a delicious aroma for days.

Orange flavored with cloves.

6. Mosquito repellent

Some natural scents are very effective mosquito repellants. This is the case of citrus. In this way, we can use orange peel strips in strategic areas of the house. For example next to the window, to prevent them from entering.

We can also use electric mosquito plugs that work with pills. Instead of using the conventional ones, we will put a piece of orange peel. The aroma will spread as it heats up.

7. Deodorant for shoes, cabinets and refrigerators

Peeling the orange, when it is still fresh, is an excellent remedy to absorb bad smells.

We can put it inside our shoes at night, in closets or in the fridge. When it dries, we must replace it with another fresh piece so that it continues to work.

8. Medicinal infusion

The infusion of orange peel is a medicinal remedy with the following health properties:

  • It has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Raise your defenses.
  • Reduce the cholesterol.
  • Helps to lose weight.

9. Scrub for oily skin

If we grate the peel of an orange we will obtain a gentle but effective exfoliant ideal for regulating the production of sebum in the skin.

Citrus fruits have the ability to eliminate fat thanks to its enzyme content. In addition, as they are rich in vitamin C, they also have a high antioxidant power that helps us prevent aging.

We will massage the skin with the zest for a minute and then we will wash with water. We can do it once a week to get a luminous skin but without shine. Keep in mind that if your skin is sensitive, citrus-based remedies could irritate it.

As you can see, the orange is an antioxidant fruit with many properties that you can take advantage of both the pulp and its skin.

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