Are You Gluten Intolerant? Discover The Cereals And Grains That You Can Consume

Flours with gluten can be substituted. There are very healthy and safe alternatives for people suffering from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. We explain what they are.

In this article we will specify what healthy alternatives can be consumed when suffering from gluten intolerance. Now, what is gluten and what does gluten intolerance imply ?

  • Gluten is a glycoprotein present in several types of cereals. For example, in wheat.
  • It is responsible for providing elasticity to the flour dough. In conjunction with fermentation, it allows bakery products to acquire a fluffy consistency.
  • It is a gelling and emulsifying agent that has been valued since ancient times in gastronomy, since it binds water molecules to structure flour foods.

However, due to digestion difficulties, many people have a gluten allergy and intolerance. In fact, today a condition known as celiac disease is distinguished. This causes chronic inflammation in the intestine due to exposure to this plant protein.

Gluten intolerance: consume rice h arin

rice flour

Rice flour is a gluten-free food that, due to its high starch content, is ideal as a thickener in sauces and other similar recipes. It is not very good for making bread or preparations with doughs that need to be raised, since it does not contain the proteins that are responsible for that spongy effect.

However, it can be combined with other flours, or alternative recipes that do not require increasing volume. With its intake you will get an interesting amount of B complex vitamins and essential minerals.

Gluten intolerance: consuming millet

Millet is a small grain that has been highly valued for years for its high content of essential nutrients. It does not contain gluten in any of its varieties and can be consumed in the same way as rice or oats.

Its texture is a bit looser and creamier, so it can also be used in soups and stews.  Due to its characteristics, it should also be added to bread or pastry dough. Especially when combined with other cereals and seeds.

Gluten intolerance: consume  Quinoa


Quinoa is a food with high nutritional value that has become very popular around the world for being a low calorie source, but with high quality proteins, antioxidants and other essential nutrients that provide multiple benefits to the body.

This pseudocereal, which is more of a seed, is an excellent source of amino acids, fiber, and vitamins. After being absorbed, they provide energy to the body. It can be prepared in a similar way to rice, but it also  serves as a dressing for soups, stews and other recipes with vegetables.  Also, it is possible to purchase it in flakes and flour, being useful for preparing baked recipes.

Gluten intolerance: consume  chickpea flour

Chickpea flour has a texture very similar to that of wheat flour. Also, since it does not contain gluten, it is one of the best options for people who suffer from gluten intolerance. It is usually used for the preparation of doughs, although they are also useful for batters and stews. It provides significant amounts of essential amino acids, antioxidants and minerals whose absorption improves energy expenditure and health.

Gluten intolerance: consume almond flour

Almond flour

It is obtained from the remains of almonds that remain after preparing the milk. This flour is a delicious food that can be used in the preparation of cookies, breads and many other similar recipes.  It is high in potassium and low in sodium, which helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Its low glycemic index helps stabilize blood sugar levels, improving the health of patients with diabetes. It is gluten-free and provides a small amount of essential amino acids that increase physical and mental performance.

Gluten Intolerance: Final Comments

As you can see, there are many options to replace foods that contain gluten. In case of gluten intolerance ,  you have very healthy cereals and seeds that you can consume .  In addition, its intake provides many nutrients to the body, without causing inflammatory or digestive discomfort.

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