British Tourist Went On Vacation To Valencia And Complained Because There Were ‘a Lot Of Spaniards’

A British tourist made headlines after being accused of being a racist for commenting on Spaniards. Freda Jackson, 81-year-old retired, bought a tour package with a friend to take a few days of vacation in Benidorm, a seaside resort in Valencia.

The problem began when the woman accused the Spanish of ruining her vacation, to the point of demanding a refund from the Thomas Cook travel agency, with whom she contracted. “Too many Spaniards” were the words that unleashed an outrage that persists to this day.

“The people of Spain should choose another destination”

Freda Jackson is a pensioner and has mobility difficulties. The woman was involved in a strong controversy, which even unleashed insults against her. The reason? He spoke controversial words that for many people were offensive: “too many Spaniards” “the people of Spain should choose another destination.”

But what is the reason for your anger? What was it that made you feel so uncomfortable? According to the woman, the hotel she was staying at was full of rude natives who even came close to throwing her to the ground on more than one occasion.

The woman also demands that the Thomas Cook agency reimburse the money she invested. According to her, the company recommended the hotel to her and at the time assured her that she would not have to worry about access to it. Still, he exposes that his vacation was a disaster from start to finish and that is why he wants his money back.

The agency initially offered her and her friend a check for £ 75 to compensate for the inconvenience caused. However, they rejected it. Now, the offer amounted to 566 pounds, but they have not yet given an answer as to whether they will accept it.

The woman defends herself and says her words were taken out of context

After her comments went viral through Spanish media and social networks, the tourist spoke with the British press and tried to clarify her words. The woman said that her words were taken out of context, since her rejection is not specifically towards the Spanish, but towards the agency that did not respect the tourism package that she had bought.

According to his account, the experience was not good at all. “They gave me a hotel in the old part of the city, away from everything, when I had asked for accommodation near the shops, in the new area of ​​Benidorm,” he remarked. For this reason, he emphasizes that his complaint is directed towards the Thomas Cook agency, responsible for the trip.

In this regard, the agency commented:

What do you think about it? Was the British tourist wrong with her comments? Are you right to feel unwell? Tell us!

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