Caution: Gaining And Losing Weight Affects The Health Of Your Bones

We have all thought about the need to lose weight on numerous occasions. Whether for health reasons or because we are not physically comfortable with that accumulated fat in the belly or hips, it is common to set a weight loss plan. However, did you know that losing weight can negatively affect the health of your bones?

Of course, each person’s situation may be different ; Everything will also depend on how quickly we lose weight. We give you all the information so that you take it into account, and submit to adequate diets, always taking care of your health.

Gaining and losing weight: A problem for the bones


According to a report by the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the United States, losing weight and, specifically, these weight fluctuations throughout our lives, directly affects the density of the bones. In other words, little by little they become more fragile. For what is this?

Many people hold the false belief that by losing weight, we stop putting excessive load on our bones, which can weaken them. Although this information is not entirely wrong, many other factors must be taken into account:

  • It is necessary to lose weight gradually and little by little:  If we follow very restrictive diets, what the body does in the absence of reserves is to obtain energy directly from the bones, cartilage and muscles.
  • We must maintain a balance through a balanced diet: The consequences for bone health can be more serious when we submit to diets in which we do without any type of calorie.
  • Optimal nutrient levels must be maintained: If we consume no calories and very little protein, the level of calcium in the body immediately decreases and, in turn, vitamin D. Even estrogen levels.
  • If a woman is already in menopausal age, the effects will be even more serious: As a consequence, the loss of bone density is greater.

    The risks of overly restrictive diets

    Miracle diets, as you can see, do not exist. It is common for many people to lose considerable weight after undergoing a very restrictive diet. This gives them a first joy to see how, suddenly, they can enter carvings that they had long abandoned.

    Now, any restrictive diet has health consequences that we must take into account. These are some of the most important:

    • Mood declines.
    • The lost weight is usually regained in a very short time.
    • Affect intestinal health, as well as the strength of bones.

    Every diet should be personalized, taking into account the age and physical characteristics of each person. The advice of doctors and nutritionists will always be of great use to us.

    How to lose weight without affecting the health of your bones

    vitamin D

    As we have mentioned, the ideal thing before undergoing a weight loss diet on our own is that we ask the experts for advice. Being 20 is not the same as being 60, and having diabetes is not the same as being a smoker.

    Each person presents some peculiarities ; The recommendations that, for example, a friend offers us will not be as useful to all of us, even if they have given her good results.

    Now, there are some basic guidelines that we must always respect so that our bones do not lose density. Therefore, do not forget to apply these simple tips in any diet that you decide to implement.

    Sunbathe 20 minutes a day

    Something so simple and elementary can do a lot for our health. Avoid peak hours, but don’t spend a day without taking “your light bath.”

    Try to get the sunlight to hit your legs or arms. According to this study carried out by the University of Ulster, you help your body to obtain and settle the necessary vitamin D which will not only take care of the health of your bones, but will also enable other basic processes in your body.

    During the winter months, you can consult with your doctor about taking vitamin D supplements.

    Cover your daily calcium doses

    Before menopause, a woman needs about 1,000 mg of this mineral per day. Then between 1,500 mg and 2,000 mg each day. To reach these healthy levels, it is possible to take supplements.

    If you do, the ideal is to divide the intakes at various times throughout the day, because it is common to absorb only a small amount of calcium and lose the rest.

    As for food, calcium is not only found in dairy. Don’t forget that all green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of this mineral. 

    Just two cups of coffee a day

    We know that you love coffee and that you can’t go a day without it. And, of course, it is an excellent way to start the day, to relax and, in addition, to take care of the liver according to this study from the University of Missouri.

    However, always try not to overdo it. The reason? Coffee, as well as soft drinks and sugary drinks, reduces bone mass, as stated in this study by the Hospital de Navarra.

    Yes to onions


    Onion is a food rich in trace elements and minerals. Among other properties, it contains 20 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams. So … why not include it in our salads?

    By way of conclusion, it should be noted that the benefits of losing weight – whenever it is advisable – are various; It not only has a positive impact on the body, but also produces emotional well-being in the person, who sees their self-esteem enhanced.

    However, this process must always be carried out in compliance with certain parameters, in order not to affect the health of your bones and other body functions. Therefore, always consult a specialist before starting a diet.

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