Cold Cracked Hands: How To Treat Them?

Cold chapped hands are annoying, irritating and painful. When the temperature makes the skin feel its rigor, these parts of the body are among the first affected due to their constant exposure. In this way, the winter cold damages the hands because the climate tends to be dry and dehydrates the cells; making the skin suffer.

It has some hair follicles with little fat production. Also, the back part has few elements of protection against the cold and dehydrates more easily. On the other hand, palms have more tools to defend themselves from the weather. Also, there is more sweat production; which allows to regulate the temperature.

To take care of these delicate limbs, we suggest you resort to some homemade options.

Causes associated with cracks in the hands

Not only the cold is behind the chapped hands, also winter (as well as certain characteristics not related to this stage) brings together other conditions that increase the symptom. In addition, something common are sudden changes in temperature. When you have the heating on and go outside, the skin suffers a thermal shock that damages it.

On the other hand, the following study published by the Journal of Health at Work and Industrial Medicine explains that cold is often associated with dryness. However, sometimes people wash their hands believing that this will better hydrate the dermis. However, humidity can be counterproductive with the cold of the environment;  increasing cracks.

Woman putting cream on her hands

Beyond the cold, in the “Specific Sanitary Surveillance Protocol for workers exposed to Occupational Dermatosis” a series of products that generate chapped hands are indicated because they contain irritating substances: detergents, insecticides, lime and some soaps.

Likewise, certain diseases are also factors that promote cracking (especially dermatological and autoimmune ones). Along these lines, people with psoriasis find that their symptoms worsen every winter. While other hormonal conditions, such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, are affecting the skin.

Measures against cold-chapped hands

All is not lost in winter. In fact, there are measures that can be applied to prevent cold chapped hands.

cold-cracked hands

Some of them are, for example:

  • Wash with warm water: hands must be washed with water that is neither hot nor cold.
  • Wear gloves: gloved hands must be protected against the weather and irritants. In addition, it is important that the skin does not come into direct contact with toxins and that the fingers are kept at a warm temperature.
  • Moisturize with creams: not all creams are useful for the hands in winter. It is advisable to use those that are formulated to hydrate dry skin, and that contain oats. Also, its application does not have to extend to the nails.

    Useful homemade preparations

    It is not a pathology that must be treated with medications, but with measures and habits. Therefore, there are homemade preparations that are recommended to promote its relief.

    These formulas seek to hydrate the skin using non-irritating substances. Among the ingredients, the following stand out:

    • Vaseline: Vaseline by itself is capable of forming an insulating barrier that prevents the cold from entering the skin. It is recommended to apply it once a week.
    • Wheat – Warm wheat bran is another beneficial product. To use it, let the liquid boil and settle. Hands are placed inside once the water is warm.
    • Honey: honey has beneficial properties for the skin. In this case, it is able to form an insulating layer on the hands. It is usually mixed with butter, heated and left to rest. However, the problem with this preparation is that it stains. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the treatment at times when nothing needs to be done.
    • Egg: Egg yolk is a natural moisturizer. It can be beaten and placed for ten to twenty minutes. It is said to use three times a week is sufficient to control cracking hands from the cold.

    Fight cold chapped hands

    Cold seasons are the best conditions to dry out the skin on your hands and increase cracking. To avoid this, cover your hands when possible and use  natural products to hydrate them.

    Also, when faced with skin problems, seek professional help. The dermatologist will offer you a suitable treatment so that winter cannot win the battle.

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