Delicious Soup Recipes

Soups are dishes that we can enjoy throughout the year, in different meals. There are those who consume it as the only dish in a light dinner, for example, and there are those who serve it as a first course at lunchtime.

Although they are delicious, many times we tend to prepare the same combinations and, therefore, it is normal that at some point we end up getting bored. To help you avoid this, we offer you a series of recipes so that you can vary your menu and enjoy new combinations. You will love them!

11 soup recipes

Soup with onion, garlic and watercress

  • To start, in a saucepan, sauté a minced onion, a crushed garlic clove and three cups of watercress leaves in oil. Salt and pepper.
  • Next, add an already cooked potato and a liter of water.
  • Let it cook until all the vegetables are soft.

Lettuce, onion and white cabbage soup

  • First, pour a liter of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Cook three celery stalks, half a cola, two lettuce leaves, two sliced ​​onions and a fourth white cabbage for 30 minutes.
  • Finally, remove from heat and process so that they retain their texture.

Vegetable soup

Potato, zucchini, cabbage and ginger soup

  • First, sauté three chopped onions in oil.
  • Next, peel and grate half the ginger root. Add two tomatoes, a peeled potato, a peeled zucchini and a small cabbage, all cut into squares.
  • Finally, eight minced garlic cloves. Season with poppy seeds and turmeric, ground pepper, 20 basil leaves, oregano and tarragon.
  • Pour in a liter of water and cook for 45 minutes.

Potato, onion and lettuce soup

  • First, heat a tablespoon of oil in a saucepan and sauté a finely chopped onion, a diced potato and a julienned lettuce leaf in it.
  • Add four cups of vegetable broth and cook until the vegetables are done.
  • Finally, process until you get a homogeneous mixture. Serve with hazelnuts or roasted almonds.

Pumpkin soup and tender vegetables

  • First, heat a tablespoon of oil in a pot and sauté a chopped onion.
  • Then add three peeled beets, half a peeled and diced pumpkin, and a quarter julienne cut white cabbage.
  • Pour in five cups of water and cook over low heat until all the vegetables are tender. Season with salt, herbs and a few drops of lemon.

Spinach and celery soup

  • To start, heat a tablespoon of olive oil in the pan and sauté a pound of well-washed spinach and five stalks of celery until everything is tender.
  • Next, add water, a little vegetable broth and let it cook for another ten minutes.
  • Mix until everything is smooth and serve with a tablespoon of yogurt.

Mixed traditional soup

  • This is one of the most popular soup recipes. First, place three pieces of chicken in a saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil.
  • Lower the heat to low and add two carrots and two chopped onions. Let it cook for two to three hours, adding water when necessary.
  • Add three crushed garlic cloves, season with salt, cayenne pepper and dill. To make it thicker, you can add a vegetable puree.

samuel gardiner soup

Onion and pumpkin soup

  • First, mix 30 grams of flour with 30 grams of oil. Sauté a large chopped onion and add a liter of water.
  • Add two chopped tomatoes and a tablespoon of yeast extract. Then 300 grams of pumpkin pulp.
  • Once everything is tender, pass through the strainer and cook again, seasoning with sea salt.

Carrot, pumpkin and celery soup

  • Pour a tablespoon of oil into a saucepan, add two finely chopped onions for sautéing, two carrots and half a kilo of pumpkin, peeled and diced.
  • Add a tomato and two full stalks of celery (with the leaves). Cover and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • In another container, cook six tablespoons of oatmeal with half a liter of water.
  • Mix everything and cook for five more minutes. Season with sea salt.

Soup with chicken and coriander

  • Heat two tablespoons of oil in a saucepan, add half a chopped onion and sauté for a few minutes.
  • Add one and a half cups of defatted chicken broth, ¼ teaspoon ground coriander, and 1/8 teaspoon cardamom. Let it boil.
  • Then add 250 grams of apples and 250 grams of peeled and chopped parsnips.
  • Consume with half a cup of orange or apple juice and two tablespoons of low-fat plain yogurt.


Artichoke, bean and pea soup

  • Place the tender part of two artichokes in a saucepan together with the juice of one lemon.
  • Remove the pod of 400 grams of fresh peas and the same amount of beans, add in the preparation.
  • Chop half an onion and sauté it with 20 grams of olive oil, add the artichokes, beans, peas and 20 grams of chopped parsley.
  • Let it cook for a few minutes and add a liter and a half of vegetable broth for 15 minutes.
  • Then add 130 grams of pasta for soup, season and serve when everything is well cooked, with plenty of Parmesan cheese.

Choose the recipe that you like the most and enjoy a delicious soup!

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