Eating Healthy Helps Heart Health

It is no secret to anyone that eating healthy contributes to heart health. In fact, if it comes to preventing and treating heart disease, it is necessary to make some adjustments in the diet, especially when there is a high consumption of unhealthy foods.

Currently, the importance of total cholesterol in predicting cardiovascular risk is questioned. However, it is known with certainty that a large consumption of fresh food can reduce the chances of failure. What should eat? We will detail it below.

Why Eating Healthy Help Your Heart Health

There is a lot of research that associates the consumption of healthy foods with heart health. For example, a study published in Current Cardiology Reports emphasizes that a good diet lowers the risk of heart disease. In particular, it is convenient to ensure an optimal intake of nutrients such as:

  • Fiber.
  • Complex carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Phytochemicals.

These substances, obtained from foods such as vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, fruits and other healthy sources, serve as adjuvants to prevent an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides. They have even shown positive effects in the prevention of hypertension, stroke, cardiac arrest and other heart diseases.

Why Eating Healthy Help Your Heart Health 

Eat healthy to take care of your heart health

There are many risk factors related to heart disease. While some are not modifiable, such as age or genetics, others can be adjusted, such as diet. In the next space we share some strategies.

Increase the consumption of omega 3 to protect the heart

The consumption of fatty acids is essential in reducing cardiovascular risk. They manage to improve the lipid profile. However, its most striking effects are those related to the modulation of inflammation.

This type of lipid counteracts the inflammatory activity of omega 6 fatty acids, as explained in an article published in the journal Biochemical Society Transactions .

To increase the contribution of this class of nutrients, it is necessary to guarantee the consumption of oily fish, raw vegetable oils and nuts. However, you have to be careful with the latter, since they are quite caloric and, therefore, can have a negative impact on energy balance.

Cut down on alcohol

Until a few years ago, drinking a glass of wine with meals was thought to support cardiovascular health. At present this has been denied and it has been proven that alcohol, in any of its variants, affects heart health and general well-being.

According to research published in the journal Alcohol Research , this substance increases the levels of inflammation. In addition, it alters the state of the intestinal microbiota and increases the risk of metabolic diseases. 

On the other hand, the consumption of these drinks is harmful to the liver, which increases the fat associated with this organ. Visceral fatty tissue is associated with a variation in the lipid profile and an increase in the oxidation rate of LDL lipoprotein.

Do intermittent fasting

One of the trendy dietary protocols is intermittent fasting. These offer advantages when it comes to improving body composition. They are even capable of reducing inflammation and stimulating autophagy. These processes translate into an improvement in the state of health in the medium and long term.

As if that were not enough, intermittent fasting improves the lipid profile and is associated with a lower cardiovascular risk. This is established from the reduction in the oxidation of LDL lipoprotein. In addition, together with caloric restriction, it causes positive effects in terms of modulation of oxidation.

Intermittent fasting

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Antioxidants are essential nutrients when it comes to ensuring heart health. Fruits and vegetables are found in abundant quantities. They are responsible for the striking colors and bitter flavors. It is essential to ingest them regularly to prevent the development of diseases.

When it comes to cardiovascular health, resveratrol from grapes and lycopene from tomatoes are important. This is one of the reasons why it is preferable to prioritize the consumption of fresh foods over ultra-processed foods, lacking in this type of nutrients.

Eat healthy for your heart

When it comes to improving cardiovascular health, it is essential to ensure a healthy diet. This must be based on fresh and nutritious products. For this, it is necessary to propose a varied diet, which includes foods of plant origin and lean meats.

Fat intake, in turn, manages to improve the parameters that in the past were related to cardiovascular risk. However, you should choose quality fats such as omega 3. In turn, it is better to limit trans fats

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that novel eating protocols, such as intermittent fasting, are capable of improving heart health. Apart from other benefits, this type of dietary pattern reduces systemic inflammation levels, as well as oxidation.

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