Emotional Intelligence For Difficult Moments

Emotional intelligence is the best strategy to improve our quality of life. Since we all go through moments of great personal complexity, nothing better than standing up as skilled managers in the world of emotions.

Today in our space we want to give you adequate guidelines and strategies so that you can dress yourself in that golden and effective armor with which to face those moments of personal darkness.

Let’s go deeper.

The power of emotions

As is often said, emotions can be the best strength or, on the contrary, the greatest weakness. It all depends on how they are used in each particular reality.

Something that must be taken into account is that psychological dimensions such as sadness, fear or anger are not as negative as you think. They are, after all, “wake-up calls” that warn you that something is wrong.

They are that warning light to which you have to know how to react, without allowing them to dominate you completely. You must take it into account.

Emotional intelligence: your key to the closed doors of your happiness

Do you want to delve into the always helpful theories about emotional intelligence? We recommend books like “The Practice of Emotional Intelligence” or “The Resounding Leader”, both by Daniel Goleman; You may also be interested in “The Force to Believe” by Wayne W. Dyer.

All of them will give you excellent knowledge to promote that personal change. With this, you can be happier and more productive in each of your contexts, be it work, personal or emotional.

Now, for your part, you have to follow  small guidelines for day to day. With them you can make those moments of helplessness or vital crossroads, opportunities from which to emerge strengthened. Take note of these dimensions.


This first strategy may seem, at first glance, too simple. However, if you do the following exercises that we now propose, you will realize something important. Sometimes what you think you are does not correspond to what you do  every day.

Think for a few moments about these dimensions. Use six words that define yourself. Then give examples that show that you really are that way.

We give you some simple examples:

  • I am brave ⇒ Can I prove it? No, because so far I am more dependent on what others tell me or decide.
  • I am a positive person ⇒ Can I prove it? No, because right now things are not going well for me and I have stopped seeing the bright side of life.
  • I am affectionate ⇒ Can I show it? Not much, because now I feel bad about myself and I am not as loving towards others as I was before.

Now that you have defined yourself, you are going to write how you would like to be right now:

  • Now I would like to feel calm.
  • I would like to be good with myself, to feel proud.
  • Right now he would need to be alone.

Next, consider the difference between each of these states and reflect on it: on what you feel now and on how you would like to be in reality.

Emotional intelligence

You are responsible for your happiness, do not blame others

It is very possible that this phrase catches your attention: “How can I not blame this person for my unhappiness if the only thing that causes me is disappointment and tears?”

  • Emotional intelligence teaches, above all, the need to be responsible for oneself. This is achieved by knowing your own needs, fears and virtues.
  • Since each person must be responsible for their happiness, decisions need to be made. If you get hurt, defend yourself assertively and make it clear where the limits are.
  • Express your emotions and feelings clearly. If other people do not act with correspondence, respect and affection, a decision will need to be made.

Do not blame, do not hold grudges, anger or spite. All of this weighs too heavily on your heart. Emotional intelligence teaches that to be happy, you must feel free of those emotions that, whether you want it or not, can make you sick.

Emotional intelligence

You decide what you are worth, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone

At this point, you are already aware of your emotions, your needs and you also know that you must be assertive. That it is necessary to set limits to make it clear what you are going to allow and what not.

Recognize what your strengths are, your strengths. You know what you are worth and what you need, so begin to assimilate the calm within yourself. No more doubts, no more fears.

There is no need to prove anything to anyone. Each person has their own personal universe and their way of understanding the world. As long as there is respect, we all have the right to “be” and to “let be”.

Start the engine of the change. You know how much you have suffered and struggled in this life, so who tells you that you don’t deserve to be happy “your way”? Dare yourself. 

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