Fructose Intolerant? We Show You How To Identify It

On a normal day you may feel abdominal pain, bloating, or gas. At one point, with such desperation for this discomfort, you will start looking for culprits. The usual suspects may be gluten or lactose, but this time we are talking about another type of intolerance: fructose intolerance.

However, this is not the most annoying of all: the foods that cause this digestive disorder are none other than some considered healthy and healthy, such as fruits and juices. Fructose is a type of simple sugar that occurs naturally in foods and packaged products.

Being fructose intolerant is more common than you might think. That is why here we are going to teach you how to identify if you have it and what treatment to follow. Continue reading.

What is this digestive disorder about?

The dean of the Professional College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of Andalusia, Luis J. Morán Fagúndez, explained to the newspaper ABC that our intestinal cells are responsible for the body’s ability to metabolize fructose. When problems occur with this process, we can speak of fructose intolerance.

The normal amount of fructose that a person can assimilate without feeling any discomfort is 35 grams. However, there are individuals who by consuming 25 grams or more begin to have discomfort. Unfortunately, that amount is very easy to exceed. For example, these foods contain it in these amounts:

  • Apple (14 grams)
  • Pineapple (12 grams)
  • Mango (13 grams)
  • Cup of coffee with only two teaspoons of sugar (5 grams)
  • Soft drinks (up to 6 grams of fructose per 100 ml)

Another complication that adds to this picture: fruits are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. By having the need to reduce its consumption, we will promote a considerable loss of nutrients, which will then have to be recovered with a change in diet.

Alert with symptoms

With the malabsorption of fructose, the body can manifest various symptoms. For example:

  • Digestive upset, such as bloating, flatulence, cramps, and even diarrhea.
  • Deficiency in the assimilation of nutrients such as zinc or folic acid.
  • Alterations of the mood.


When detecting the aforementioned symptoms, you should go to a specialist. In this case, the ideal is to go to a gastroenterologist. It will perform an aspirated hydrogen test.

This test is performed on an empty stomach to assess the amount of hydrogen you can breathe out. Fructose is then supplied and measurements are taken from time to time.

Being unable to digest glucose, it will build up. The bacteria present in the small intestine will begin to ferment this compound generating large amounts of hydrogen and methane that are measurable in the breath.

How to act if you are fructose intolerant

reduces fructose

Morán indicated that the treatment that you should go to a nutritionist or dietician who can recommend an eating plan without fructose. You should eat less than 1 or 2 grams a day in any of its forms.

He points out that this diet should only be carried out by those who suffer from this condition and not healthy people. Remember that eliminating fruits reduces the contribution of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and fiber, all necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

Follow these tips to reduce symptoms

  • Avoid consuming more than 35 grams of fructose: it  is a complicated task because there are many foods with this component. However, you just have to eat an apple or a cup of coffee.
  • Pay attention to juices: this is because they can contain a lot of fructose. Choose the fruit well and calculate the amount you are going to use.
  • Use natural sweeteners: opt for stevia or yacon. They do not contain fructose, so they will not affect your health.

As you can see, it is not difficult to detect if you are fructose intolerant. Abdominal pain should be the first warning sign. Avoid treating yourself on your own. As you will understand, these types of digestive disorders need professional attention.

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