Fruit Drinks To Lose Weight Quickly And Healthily

You may want to look good for your vacation or you want to deal with those extra pounds that bother you so much. However, you don’t have to starve or opt for surgeries or anything like that. There are fruit drinks that, included in a healthy diet plan and together with appropriate physical exercise, will help you lose weight in a healthy and fast way. Learn about their recipes in the following article.

Fruit juice recipes to lose weight

  •  Grapefruit and watermelon juice

    To start, you need a cup of grapefruit juice and a half cup of chopped watermelon without seeds or rind. First, wash the fruits well and extract the grapefruit juice. Add together with the watermelon in the blender and if you want a little water. Mix well and drink a glass on an empty stomach in the morning. This juice quenches thirst, produces a feeling of satiety, is cleansing and prevents you from overeating.

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  • Pineapple, melon and guava juice

    The ingredients are 1 cup of peeled and chopped pineapple, 1 slice of melon, 2 chopped guavas, and half a cup of water. Wash and chop the fruits, extract the melon and pineapple juices. Then blend with the rest of the ingredients and drink without straining every day. This juice provides a large amount of vitamin C and fibers, which accelerates the digestion of fats and proteins, helping to lose weight.

  • Strawberry, orange and parsley juice

    You need 1 cup of strawberries, the juice of an orange, 1 sprig of parsley, honey and water. First, wash all the ingredients and extract the orange juice. Next, add everything in the blender and mix until it forms a homogeneous paste. Finally, drink a glass in the morning, three times a week for a month. It has purifying and diuretic properties, preventing fluid retention, thus helping to lose weight.

  • Pineapple, tamarind and papaya juice

    You need 1 cup of chopped pineapple, half a cup of tamarind juice and 1 slice of papaya. Pass the pineapple through the extractor first. Then blend together with the other ingredients. Strain and drink immediately. It is effective to lose weight, prevent fluid retention, eliminate toxins, rehydrate tissues, reduce cellulite and improve fat metabolism to burn them more quickly.

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  • Banana juice, soy milk and flaxseed

    The ingredients of this recipe are 1 banana, 1 cup of soy milk, 1 tablespoon of nonfat plain yogurt, half a tablespoon of flaxseed, half a tablespoon of honey, half a cup of blueberries (frozen or fresh). First, blend all the ingredients until they are fully integrated. It is an excellent smoothie to accompany a weight loss diet, being ideal to consume before meals to generate a feeling of satiety. It is also recommended to drink as breakfast or dinner.

  • Pear, pineapple and yogurt juice

    It is actually a kind of smoothie because of its consistency. It has 1 pear, 1 slice of pineapple, 1 tablespoon of natural sweetener (such as stevia), 1 cup of plain, low-fat yogurt, and half a tablespoon of vanilla extract. The fruits must be peeled. Pour everything into the blender for about 30 seconds. Drink right away.

    losing weight is possible with these fruit juices

    • Orange, carrot and parsley juice

      Oranges are rich in folic acid, vitamin C, and potassium, and carrots are rich in vitamins B, C, D, E, and K, as well as folic acid, which helps in various metabolic processes in the body. It also serves to satisfy the craving or anxiety to eat sweet things. As for parsley, it has a lot of vitamin C and K, the latter helps absorb calcium and prevent hardening of the arteries, which causes heart problems. Make a smoothie with a peeled and sliced ​​carrot, the juice of two oranges and a handful of parsley. Drink every day.

    • Broccoli and pear juice

      This tree-shaped vegetable is a great source of vitamins A, C, K, folate, and calcium. The latter is more than interesting, since a study from the British Journal of Nutrition says that it helps a lot to lose weight. You just have to wash the broccoli and the pear, peel and cut into pieces, then place in the blender and drink before meals, for example, to satisfy hunger.


    • Carrot, beet, celery, apple and cucumber juice

      The ingredients for this slimming juice recipe are 5 carrots, half a beet, 1 celery, 1 apple, and half a cucumber. Peel and chop all of them, wash well and place in the blender. To give it a little more flavor you can add a small slice of ginger.

    • Vegetable Cleaner Juice

      For this wonderful and cleansing mixture you will need 3 carrots, 2 celery, 2 beets, 1 turnip, half a bundle of spinach, 3 cabbage leaves, half cabbage, half an onion, 3 garlic cloves and a little parsley. First, boil all the ingredients together, washed and chopped. Then let it cool and finally strain. You can drink as many times as you want and it will help detoxify your body.

      So far these ideas to prepare delicious juices based on fruits and vegetables. Remember that there are no miracle recipes to lose weight and that the process of improving physical form requires above all effort and perseverance. In addition, it always helps to have the right knowledge regarding the recommended diet and exercise plan.

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