Homemade Lemon Jam

Lemon is a fruit that has a high content of vitamin C and citric acid, it is also widely used in pastries (for lemon cakes, for rice pudding …) and in the kitchen in general, for example to water roast chicken or fish. That is why below we teach you how to prepare a delicious homemade lemon jam.You will love it!

Many times when you go to buy a lemon, it turns out that they only sell them in bags or on trays and you have to take home 6 lemons. Of those you use 2 at most and the rest are spoiled. Well, a great way to take advantage of the leftover lemons is with homemade lemon jam, delicious to take with toast for breakfast or to put on a sponge cake.

Option 1: Homemade lemon marmalade with sweetener


  • 6 lemons
  • 2 ½ glasses of white sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 star anise
  • The peel of a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of sweetener
  • 1 branch of licorice


  • Peel the lemons and reserve the peel of one of them. Take away the white part from everyone.
  • Put the lemons (chopped), the sugar, the cinnamon stick, the anise and the liquorice in a pot. Cook over medium heat for 50 minutes and stir occasionally.
  • When it begins to be liquid, add the lemon rind and 10 minutes before finishing cooking, add the sweetener.
  • Turn off the heat and remove the lemon peel, the seeds and the cinnamon and licorice sticks from the jam.
  • Let cool and place in a clean and sterilized glass jar.

Option 2: Lemon jam with brown sugar


  • Brown sugar
  • 1 kg of peeled lemons
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • Clean and peel the lemons and reserve the skin.
  • Remove well all the white part of the lemons because it is very bitter and can spoil the jam.
  • Weigh the flesh of the peeled lemons to find the proportion of sugar. The sugar ratio for homemade lemon jam (and for all homemade jams in general) is ½ kg of sugar for every kg of lemon (or fruit).
  • In a pot add the pulp of the lemons, the sugar and the cinnamon stick. If you want the jam with sprinkles, now is the time to add the peel of one of the lemons, well chopped.
  • Cook for about 45 minutes, stirring from time to time. When the texture is similar to that of a syrup and the mixture is homogeneous, the jam is ready. Remove from heat and let cool.
  • The appearance of this jam is roasted by the brown sugar. If a yellow jam is preferred, refined sugar can be used.
  • When cool, place in a clean and disinfected glass jar.
  • If several jars come out or if it is not planned to consume it fairly soon, it can be vacuum packed. To do this, fill the jars with jam, close them hermetically and heat them in a bain-marie for 25 minutes. They are then removed and turned upside down for a few hours until a vacuum is made.

Option 3: Homemade lemon jam



  • 500g lemon
  • 350 g of sugar


  • Peel, chop and remove the seeds from the lemons.
  • Put the chopped lemons in a pot with the sugar.
  • Cook for about 40 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  • Once the jam is well cooked, pour into a blender container and beat until smooth.
  • Put the jam in previously sterilized glass jars .

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