Homemade Recipe For Tuna Croquettes With Cheese

Nobody can resist a croquette, that delicious entry with a crunchy layer and soft content. Here we will see a recipe for tuna croquettes with cheese that can even serve as a main dish.

Both ingredients work very well together, without actually merging, but not creating much contrast either.

There are industrially made croquettes on the market that are sold frozen, but it is best to prepare them at home. In addition to the satisfaction of making our own food, the croquettes in this recipe have no preservatives or chemicals.

Both tuna and cream cheese have a mild flavor that, together with the crunchiness of the outer layer, is irresistible. Making croquettes is an art, and its perfection depends largely on the process of frying them. Before explaining the recipe, it is good to know some tips to obtain an excellent result.

Recommendations when frying croquettes

The first recommendation when frying croquettes refers to the temperature of the oil; The fat from the frying must be very hot to achieve a fairly crispy layer.

If the oil is not hot enough, cooking will be delayed and the croquettes could break open and become damaged. However, it should not be smoky either: the ideal is a temperature between 175 and 180 ° C.

The second variable has to do with the type of oil. For many fried foods, the recommended oil is sunflower or corn; olive oil tends to emit smoke very early as a sign of burning.

On the other hand, the amount of oil will be so much that it completely covers the croquettes ; otherwise they will open before cooking. Oil control is one of the main issues in this preparation.

Finally, a few croquettes must be fried each time. That is, you do not have to fry them all together, as this would suddenly lower the temperature of the oil.

Tuna croquettes with cheese

This recipe is intended for 10 people. The dough is made with mashed potatoes, but these can be substituted for the classic béchamel cream as long as the main ingredients are kept.


  • Two cups of flaked tuna well drained (400 g)
  • 200 grams of cream cheese
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • Onion
  • 2 cups of breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs (300 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of cornmeal (45 g)
  • 1 cup of wheat flour (150 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley (30 g)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Corn or sunflower oil


  1. Cook the potatoes in water without peeling them, until they are soft.
  2. Peel and mash the potatoes completely in a bowl.
  3. Cut the onion very finely and sauté it in a little oil.
  4. To the mashed potatoes add the crumbled tuna, onion, an egg, cornmeal and parsley. Stir very well.
  5. Season the previous mixture and add the diced cream cheese, stirring without fully integrating.
  6. Beat the remaining two eggs in a deep dish.
  7. Shape small balls or elongated shapes with your hands. The mixture can also be placed in a plastic bag from which one end is cut off to use as a sleeve. In this way, a long cylinder of only one thickness is obtained and it is divided with a wet knife.
  8. Once the desired shapes are obtained, chill the croquettes in the refrigerator for half an hour, covered with plastic wrap.
  9. Pass the croquettes first in the flour, then in the beaten eggs and finally in the breadcrumbs. Do this until the mixture is exhausted. At this point the croquettes can be frozen to fry at the desired time.
  10. Once hardened, they are put together in a bag and continue to freeze without fear of warping. When they are going to be fried, it is recommended to wait about an hour after removing them from the refrigerator.
  11. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan to approximately 180 ° C.
  12. Fry some croquettes until golden brown. Continue frying the others until finished.
  13. Place them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil.
  14. Serve and consume the tuna croquettes with cheese, preferably hot.

Final considerations

These tuna croquettes with cheese can be served with different types of sauces; They combine well with those made from citrus fruits, aioli, avocado or tomato. A fresh salad is a good garnish option, if the croquettes are presented as a main course.

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