How To Be Happy?

From the beginning of human history to the present day, thinkers of all stripes have asked the same question: how can we be happy?

If you are one of those who have also ever questioned it, you are already on the right track. And the first step to enjoy such an experience is to have the firm intention of achieving it. Although there is no exact formula that guarantees results, some basic notions and guidelines are identified that facilitate this journey.

What does it mean to be happy?

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived in several Nazi concentration camps. In what has been his masterpiece, “The man in search of meaning”, rescues some reflections of what life was like in those extreme conditions of misery and slavery.

In the author’s own words: «Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase her, the more she runs away. But if you turn your attention to other things, she comes and gently rests on your shoulder . Happiness is not an inn on the road, but a way of walking through life. »

What does it mean, then, to be happy?

As we can see, it is above all about adopting a position before life. It is something that is practiced every day, regardless of our conditions.

As Frankl himself commented: “Can’t we change the situation? If it is not in your hands to change something that causes you pain, you can always choose the attitude with which you face that suffering ».

With these contributions, the one who was the father of logotherapy highlights that the most essential motivation of the human being is, in fact, the will to make sense : “Whoever has a reason to live, will eventually find the how.”

Given that this capacity is present in all people, let’s see some points that it is possible to implement.

Five keys to consider to be happy

1. It is a personal choice

First you have to want to be happy. However, in many moments other circumstances will not stop influencing. The difference lies in the extent to which we choose to maintain a positive attitude towards adverse events.

In addition, people may be more concerned with how to achieve happiness than with the fact of being it. Thus, a study published by the Department of Psychology at Yale University speaks precisely about how this constant search can generate anguish.

This has to do with the frustration experienced by not reaching the goal in time and with the resources that have been considered.

Therefore, before insisting so eagerly, it is worth asking: Am I really changing my position towards work, personal relationships or life in general? If not, let’s try again.


2. The meaning of what we do

The activities we undertake in the first place may be urgent, but not the ones we are most excited about or classify as most important.

Hoping to get a better position in the company or to increase income are examples of wishes that sometimes blur the sense of why we do something.

However, to be successful we just need to feel optimistic. This increases the possibilities of developing and promoting new projects or achieving what we long for.

What’s more, research like that conducted by the University of Illinois Department of Psychology shows how positive thinking can help us cope with anxiety and, in turn, improve neuropsychological functioning.

3. The value of small details

John Lennon used to say, “Dawn is a beautiful sight, and yet most of the audience is still sleeping . ” This phrase serves to illustrate the question of learning to appreciate the simple and beautiful stimuli that surround us.

Sometimes we tend to ignore small details, either because we consider them insignificant or because one has already become used to them. But trying to value them is a practice that is often linked to our well-being.

If, in addition, we choose to take care of simple gestures such as calling a client to ask how it went with your product or a friend to say hello, in all probability we will feel more satisfied. They are nuances that make a difference in how we make other people feel.

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4. Taking care of yourself

We are not talking about being selfish, but about working on the attention we give ourselves. This implies both ensuring our physical health and those aspects more related to emotional and social balance.

Therefore, many variables come into play here, from the satisfaction we get from cultivating our friendships to the activities with which we have fun and “disconnect” from the routine. These habits improve the attitude with which we approach the different challenges that life presents us.

A clear example of personal care is found in exercise. And as if that were not enough, the evidence is consistent regarding the relationship observed between the level of physical activity and the happiness that people report. A study carried out by the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge obtained results in this direction.

5. Generosity as a stimulus to be happier

Maybe it’s a cliche, but be nice to other people generate the pleasant sensation of having enjoyed the time more intensely. I Even more than if we did something for ourselves during the hours we have free . 

The findings that emerge from a study by Professor Keiko Otaque and colleagues are responsible for demonstrating this. The article published in 2006 indicates that the participants who reported being happier in the surveys were also those who reported more frequent acts of kindness.

When to start practicing?

After reviewing these keys, it only remains to say that being happy is a decision that depends on yourself.

Remember these reflections in your day to day and when facing difficult situations. When you start to apply them, you will have already started this fascinating path.

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