How To Control Blood Pressure With A Passionflower Remedy

Passionflower is a plant especially known for its sedative properties, which help calm the nerves and help you fall asleep.

Passionflower tea is consumed by people who have as part of their ritual to go to sleep, drink a warm, relaxing and comforting drink. Generally, it is consumed alone, without sugar, honey or other additives, although there are those who add a touch of honey to flavor it slightly. There are also those who add a few drops of lemon juice, as is done with other hot infusions.

Regardless of how you decide to enjoy it, the truth is that this drink is gaining popularity as a remedy for other issues, such as hypertension. Would you like to know why? Then keep reading.

Passionflower, a plant known for its sedative effect

Passionflower ( Passiflora incarnata) is a climbing plant that grows very fast. It can reach between 6 and 9 meters in length. Its flowers have a very particular color and shape and also have a very penetrating aroma.

The fruits of this plant are edible and highly palatable for both animals and humans. They are yellow in color and are known as passion fruit, passion fruit or passion fruit. In addition, they are very popular in various countries of America, where they are widely sold and consumed by the population.

Passionflower tea as a remedy for hypertension

High blood pressure is a condition that many people have around the world. This problem can lead to strokes, cardiac arrest, or heart attacks. Although it has almost no symptoms, hypertension is perfectly treatable even with natural treatments such as passionflower.

Passionflower tea is said to be a drink that acts as a natural sedative and muscle relaxant. Due to its content of flavonoids and alkaloids, it is believed that it would be suitable to help lower the heart rate and high blood pressure, relieve anxiety and stress, among other issues that prevent you from falling asleep at night.

On the other hand, being a hydrating and diuretic drink (that is, it stimulates urination), like dandelion, it is considered that its regular consumption, within a healthy lifestyle, can prevent blood pressure from rising and cause discomfort. Especially at night.

How to prepare passionflower tea?


  • 1 tea bag of passionflower or 1 tablespoon of the dried plant (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • If you can get the tea bags of the plant that they sell in some stores, it will be easier. You just have to boil water, serve in a cup and introduce the passionflower bag as if it were a normal tea.
  • If, on the other hand, you get the plant or you have it in the garden, the first thing you should do is put it to dry in the sun for two days.
  • Once this time has elapsed, boil the water and add a tablespoon of the plant for each cup you are going to drink.
  • Let it sit for five to ten minutes. Then, strain, serve in a cup and consume.
  • Avoid adding sugar, honey or sweeteners if you are going to consume it before going to sleep, as the sugar will prevent you from relaxing and getting ready to rest accordingly.

Passionflower tea considerations

It is not recommended that you start consuming passionflower tea without the authorization of your doctor, especially if you are following some type of pharmacological treatment.

On the other hand, keep in mind that passionflower tea is contraindicated in some cases (pregnancy, lactation, for example), therefore, you should make sure to consult with your doctor before starting to consume it.

It is also not recommended that you combine the consumption of passionflower tea with other natural drinks, as you could experience adverse reactions. Also, avoid consuming excessively any type of natural drink always. Never more than 3 cups a day.

In addition to consuming healthy beverages – such as this passionflower tea – it is recommended that you maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow the guidelines of your treating physician.

Last but not least, you should keep in mind that you should never substitute natural drinks for prescription drugs, as it can be risky and counterproductive.

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