How To Get Rid Of Bunions With Home And Natural Remedies

The development of bunions is usually associated with genetic factors or improper use of the footwear that we use frequently. Among other home remedies, applying lavender essence will help relieve pain.

Bunions are a problem that affects many people and can cause great pain. In addition to medical treatment, there are several home remedies that can help reduce this disorder, alleviate its discomfort and prevent its appearance again.

Here are the natural treatments and solutions to get rid of bunions once and for all.


Bunions are a condition that causes the big toe joint to become deformed.  Its development is usually associated with genetic factors or inappropriate use of the footwear that we use frequently.

Bunions often appear after age 30.  In addition, they almost always affect both feet, and their symptoms are as follows:

  • Tumor
  • Inflammation.
  • Redness of the area.
  • Pain when walking
  • Formation of calluses in the nearby skin.

If you recognize these symptoms, the ideal is to consult with a podiatrist to receive the appropriate treatment to cure them. However, sometimes surgical intervention is necessary.

Natural medicine


Lavender oil is a very popular remedy in the treatment of bunions. Its properties help relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area.

  • All you have to do is mix dried lavender flowers with olive or almond oil.
  • Then, heat it over a low heat in a bain-marie.
  • Finally, strain to obtain the lavender oil.
  • You must reserve the liquid in an airtight glass jar.
  • To finish, the ideal is that you apply this remedy every night on the bunion, doing gentle massages.

Lavender for bunions

Epsom salts

To reduce the annoying pain and inflammation caused by bunions, you should try this solution . One of the most popular and effective remedies is a salt foot bath.

  • To start, in a bowl of warm water, add two tablespoons of Epsom salts.
  • Then soak your feet for 20 minutes.


Rue is a plant with many healing properties. In particular, it helps reduce pain and inflammation typical of rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

  • To soothe the pain of bunions, it is recommended to take a warm bath with a little rue.
  • A kind of infusion is prepared and the feet are soaked for 15 minutes.

Lily oil

The bulbs of the lily contain an oil that is used in different industries for the manufacture of home remedies to relieve joint pain. You can buy lily oil, or prepare it at home using some leaves of the plant.

  • To start, soak these leaves in brandy for 5 minutes.
  • When you have the remedy ready, you should apply it with gentle massages on the affected area.

Laurel treatment

Laurel for bunions

Laurel has multiple properties that help us fight bunions internally and externally. This treatment should be continued for 2 months. However,  the results begin to be seen during the first 10 days of application.

  • First, you must prepare an infusion of bay leaf and leave it in a thermos overnight. The next morning, you strain it and sip it during the day. Its consumption is repeated for three days in a row and it rests for a week.
  • You can also crush 5 bay leaves and pour them over 100 ml of 96% alcohol. The mixture is left to marinate for a week. Afterwards, it is applied to the affected area, better after soaking the feet in warm water.
  • The feet are then massaged.
  • Finally, this remedy is applied every night and covered with socks for best results.

Iodine treatments

  • A very popular remedy to get rid of bunions is mixing iodine with an aspirin. This remedy is applied on bunions to relieve joint pain.
  • Another option to take advantage of the benefits of iodine is to mix equal parts of lemon juice and iodine. This should be applied to the affected area and massaged.

Other recommendations to relieve bunions

  • Maintain a balanced weight to avoid making this problem worse with being overweight.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin A and C, calcium, and vitamin D to strengthen bones.
  • It is also very important to use comfortable shoes with a wide toe and flexible materials. Shoes that are too tight or too high can make bunions worse.
  • Finally, if the bunions are causing you discomfort, the ideal is to wear open shoes that provide more comfort to the foot.

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