How To Improve Poor Circulation In The Legs?

Although the diagnosis is not a serious circulatory disorder, we must not set aside all those good habits that can be of great benefit not only for circulation, but for the health of the entire organism.

Here are some of the simple but effective measures that you can carry out, on your own, to combat poor circulation in your legs.

1. Avoid heat

The heat dilates the veins and this, in short, slows down circulation. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid all sources of heat, such as: saunas, hot waxing, electric blankets, braziers and also, sunbathing for long periods. Of course, you should also avoid taking hot showers or baths every day.

Ice packs are used to relieve the pain of bruises.

2. Fully hydrate

When referring to the need for good hydration, the first thing you think about is your daily water intake. And while this is very important, it is also advisable to hydrate the body, from the outside. The purpose of this is to maintain the elasticity of the skin and activate blood circulation.

Hence, part of the importance of using moisturizing creams and lotions for the skin. To further promote their action, they can be placed in the refrigerator, to keep them fresh until the moment of application.

In case you do not get used to drinking too much water, you do not like water or it is difficult to remember that you have to drink several times a day, you can resort to infusions. In general, these types of drinks help to create the habit of good hydration. Some of the most recommended are:

  • Horsetail.
  • The dandelion.
  • Parsley.

To achieve good hydration it will also be necessary to avoid the intake of carbonated beverages as well as caffeine and theine, since they will make urination difficult. Likewise, it is very important to consult your doctor before resorting to natural infusions; above all, in case of kidney deficiency or some other condition.

Be careful not to fall into extremes, since excessive fluid intake can promote dehydration. Even if it is water or herbal teas, moderation is essential.

3. Pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is classified as a massage therapy technique, that is, for therapeutic purposes, and is inspired by lymphatic drainage. It consists of applying positive pressure to certain tissues to improve circulation.

It can be performed with various types of bandages, compression sleeves, elasto-compression boots or by means of pneumatic pressotherapy.

Among other things, pressotherapy helps to combat other problems associated with poor circulation, such as fluid retention, edema and lymphoedema, cellulite, among others.

It is even complementary to post-operative treatments that lead to an accumulation of water, such as liposuction and mastectomy. In addition, it helps to keep the skin firm and elastic.

4. Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises, also known as ‘cardiovascular exercises’, help to activate blood flow and, therefore, promote good oxygenation of all cells in the body. Among the many benefits that an exercise routine brings, is the farewell to poor circulation in the legs.

There are a number of aerobic exercise routines that you can try. Remember that, before carrying it out, it is necessary to warm up the body with some stretches or a 20-30 minute walk at medium speed.

If you are one of those who get bored easily, you can exchange various exercise routines with swimming, jogging or other sports sessions . The important thing is to stay active on a regular basis.

Likewise, it must be taken into account that, once an exercise routine is chosen, the habit of daily physical activity must be maintained. And it is that exercising once, in specific moments and too many spaces, will not help, at all, to alleviate discomfort or to enjoy a good state of health.

Goodbye to poor leg circulation

A balanced nutrition, in conjunction with the aforementioned measures and appropriate medical control, will effectively combat poor circulation in the legs and provide well-being. However, it is essential that all lifestyle habits are carried out consistently to achieve this.

On the other hand, we must not forget that, if the doctor has prescribed some type of pharmacological treatment, it is necessary to follow their instructions and, when in doubt, consult with the professional before making any decision.

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