How To Lose Weight With Papaya

Losing weight with papaya is possible when done within the framework of a proper diet. Therefore, the first thing we must do when developing an efficient and healthy plan to lose weight is to consult well with the doctor and the nutritionist.

In the Latin American popular sphere, it has always been said that papaya is “the fruit of good health.” Not only because of its vitamin and mineral content, but also because it contains an enzyme called papain in its pulp , capable of providing benefits to the body, according to various hypotheses. For this reason, health and nutrition experts recommend including it in the diet.

With a pleasant taste, sweet and attractive color, papaya stands out as an option to prepare various delicious snacks and desserts, which will make the way more enjoyable when it comes to losing those extra kilos that are so uncomfortable. Let’s see more below!

Papaya: a fruit that helps you lose weight, without starving!

It is possible to lose weight with papaya, within a healthy lifestyle.

Papaya is a tropical fruit known and consumed throughout the world. For this reason, there are many ways to enjoy it : in mixed fruit salads, fresh with a touch of lemon juice, processed with a touch of oatmeal in a delicious smoothie or smoothie … and stop counting!

However, when it comes to losing weight with papaya, the ideal is to always give priority to its consumption as a whole, fresh and natural piece, since this way the body can obtain and take full advantage of all its nutrients, including fiber. This is confirmed by the experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.

Benefits of papaya

  • It provides a good amount of fiber, which not only helps to care for and protect the intestinal microbiota, but also to maintain a good intestinal transit.
  • It hydrates, because like any piece of fruit, it contains a certain amount of water.
  • It nourishes, because it is composed of various vitamins and minerals essential for the health of the entire organism.
  • It helps to satisfy the appetite (also thanks to its contribution of fiber), especially when we feel like snacking on anything between one meal and another.

    Read: Types of fibers that most help the microbiota

    How to lose weight with papaya?

    Before discussing how to lose weight with papaya, you should consider the following:

    • Sometimes it is difficult for us what type of diet to choose to lose weight. It is important that we opt for those that not only allow us to lose weight, but also take care of our health. If in doubt, we can always consult with the doctor or nutritionist.
    • The papaya weight loss diet is a restrictive diet. This means that for two days we will have a very careful diet that will end on the third day. Papaya will therefore allow us two things: detoxify the body and burn fat.
    • It should also be noted that papaya is very suitable for all those who suffer from digestive problems such as diarrhea, gas, constipation, gastritis, as well as skin problems.
    • According to the Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), thanks to papain we get all the benefits of this fruit.


      We will always look for fresh and not very ripe papayas. We will start the diet at breakfast. Ideally, these two days is to have either a glass of soy or oatmeal, with two teaspoons of wheat germ or another cereal. In this way we will have a correct fiber intake.

      Afterwards we will eat a papaya salad. Let it be medium, we peel it and cut it into squares. It’s a healthy and nutritious way to start the day


      • For lunch we will prepare a brown rice salad. You can cook it with vegetable broth, and later, accompany it with a diced tomato, a few spinach, some olives, a clove of garlic and the juice of half a lemon. After this brown rice, we will have the juice of a papaya.
      • On the second day of the diet, for lunch we can prepare an aubergine in the oven, and a small spinach salad dressed with olive oil and a few pieces of beetroot. Afterwards, we will drink the papaya juice.


        • For a snack we can prepare the juice of half a papaya with two slices of pineapple. We clean them well and put them in the blender to obtain a very homogeneous mixture.


        • For dinner we will prepare a cup of prepared vegetable broth. For this we can use onion, celery, lemon juice. For dessert, of course, we will prepare a diced papaya.
        • On the second day of the diet we can prepare a couple of artichokes. We cook them well and season them with a little vinegar and salt. We can accompany it with a slice of whole wheat bread with a little olive oil. To finish dinner, we will serve ourselves a diced papaya.

        The benefits of papaya seeds for weight loss

        Papaya seeds

        It may surprise you, but papaya seeds are also beneficial, according to popular wisdom. Specifically, they help to:

        • Protect the liver.
        • Take care of the kidneys in case of kidney failure.
        • Eliminate toxins and possible parasites from the intestines.
        • Take care of the digestive system: Papaya seeds have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

        In addition to this, it is considered that papaya seeds have the ability to prevent the body from absorbing excess fats. That is, it acts as a regulator. So how can I benefit from them? How can I consume papaya seeds? It’s easy, there are several options.

        There are those who choose to grind them or who prefer to consume them as if they were tablets. Ideally, at breakfast, we take between 8 or 10 seeds, you can chop them to make it easier to take them. If you combine them with a glass of grapefruit for breakfast, the combination is even better.

        So, remember, if you decide to lose weight with papaya, you can follow this diet two days a week, for two or three months. Consuming papaya seeds for breakfast you can do it for fifteen days in a row and then rest for another fifteen. Whatever is easiest for you.

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