How To Make Homemade Lamps To Decorate Your Room?

If what you want is to have lamps that combine perfectly with your style, then this note is for you. Not only will you give life to your space, you can also use what you thought was going straight to the trash.

In the art of design the only limitation is ourselves. It does not matter if you have a big budget, but what you can not miss is the cr eatividad. 

Are you thinking of decorating your room? So one factor that you can’t ignore is lighting. 

Fortunately, the world is in a time of transformation and after so much damage to the environment we are finally beginning to make changes that promote recycling.

How to make homemade lamps

Don’t throw away the colored containers

Do you remember the yogurts you used to grow? If you have nephews or children who still take them, or yourself, it is time to put the containers away.


  • About 70 jars of yogurt
  • 30 cm wire
  • Tweezers

How to make lamps out of yogurt jars?

  • First, heat the tip of the wire with the help of the stove.
  • Then, with the wire, make 4 small holes in the container sides: north, south, east, west.
  • Using the tweezers, insert the wire through the holes to form rings and join the containers.
  • Finally, you can make rows of 6 and join them two by two to form the circle that will surround the focus. You will love the result!

Tin rings


The tin rings are the ideal tool to create an elegant lamp with a special shine thanks to the sparkles of the metal.


  • Tin rings (quantity will depend on the size of the lamp)
  • Cutting pliers
  • Pressure pliers
  • Screwdriver

How to do it?

  • First, with the help of the pressure pliers, you are going to bend the inner part of the ring to the top.
  • Take the pliers to cut and make a hole in the other end so that the other rings can fit.
  • Fit the thickest part of the ring – where you folded – back.
  • Repeat the same process with all the rings until they cover the size of your lamp.
  • In short, you decide what shape to give it: rectangular, square, round, spiral, whatever you can think of!

Lamps with plastic bottles

Light in plastic bottles

In recycling crafts you cannot miss the use of plastic bottles. And it is that these are not only easy to handle; In addition, its material allows light to be reflected in a unique way.


  • 12 plastic bottles
  • Cutter
  • Pair of scissors
  • 25cm wire
  • Spray paint

How to make the lamp?

  • First, with the help of the utility knife, cut on the part of the line that is at the end of the bottle (you only need the base).
  • You can use the scissors to speed up the process.
  • Once you have the 12 bases, make 4 holes – north, south, east, west.
  • Then, place 5 bases on the surface, one in the center and the others around it – simulating a flower.
  • With small pieces of wire join the holes.
  • After bonding, spray paint the inside so the plastic protects the paint.
  • Finally, repeat the procedure until you have two flowers made up of 5 bases. Join them to surround the spotlight. Clever!

Pineapple shaped lamps


This idea will not only surprise you when it lights up your room, but it will also be to your pocket, since you don’t need to invest much.


  • 4 wooden sticks
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 50 g of plaster
  • 100 plastic spoons
  • 1 plastic bottle of 2 liters
  • Green card
  • Yellow paint
  • Focus

How to make the lamps?

  • To start, glue the wooden sticks together to create the base of the lamp.
  • Next add glue to the tuna can and glue the sticks together.
  • Then, prepare the plaster with water until it forms a paste and pour it over the tuna can, you have to cover it completely. Put it to dry.
  • Paint the spoons on the back and cut the mango.
  • Cut off the bottom and top of the bottle line, so that only the trunk remains.
  • Pierce the base of the bottle and insert the light fixture.
  • Glue it to the body of the lamp – the installation is inside looking up -.
  • Glue the bottle body and cord to the wooden sticks.
  • Add silicone to the part of the stick that remains in the spoons and stick to the body of the bottle until it is completely upholstered.
  • Finally, with the cardboard simulate the pineapple leaves. It is beautiful!


You can make your own homemade lamps using many recyclable materials that tend to accumulate inside the home. Applying the ideas that we have just shared with you and, of course, your creativity, you will surely carry this project forward.

Best of all, you will have the opportunity to add a personalized touch to each lamp, since the decoration and details are on your own. Well, which of all these ideas to create homemade lamps convinced you?

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