How To Normalize The Heart Rhythm

Perhaps you have ever walked very fast in a very short period of time while trying to get to a place. Then your heart probably kept beating fast for a long time. Even after taking a seat. So, you may have asked yourself: how to normalize the heart rhythm?

In these and other cases you may have received recommendations such as: “take a deep breath; rest a moment; think of something else, etc. ”. Now, is this the only thing to do? What other tricks could you use to get relief?

Let’s see below how the heart rhythm can be normalized with food, medicinal plants and with simple therapies that we can perform ourselves, if the doctor authorizes it.

Eating healthy contributes to heart health

Heart with healthy food

Eating healthy is essential to enjoy health and well-being. It does not benefit a single organ or a single system, but multiple (and simultaneously), hence doctors and nutrition experts do not stop recommending that people adopt and maintain a balanced diet, according to their needs.

When it comes to normalizing the heart rhythm, it is also necessary to eat healthy every day. Many times we receive information that indicates that a certain food is especially beneficial for the heart -for example- and then we believe that by eating it sometime, we are already “protected” or “healthy”. We can also come to think that by consuming that same food every day we can feel better and reduce all risk of suffering from a disease.

However, those are not the best ways to take care of ourselves. The truth is that we need more than one food every day to be healthy. In fact, we need to bear in mind that an adequate diet must always be: balanced, varied, rich in fresh foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes), and sufficient.

When we want to improve our diet to take better care of ourselves and obtain concrete benefits -such as a healthier heart, for example- we can take into account what the experts from the Caser Foundation indicate:

Less energy drinks and more herbal teas and homemade teas

Cup with cranberry juice.

To normalize the heart rhythm, we must also take care of what we drink, because many times we do not realize that by taking certain drinks we harm ourselves in different ways.

If we usually drink large amounts of caffeine or drink energy drinks (especially those high in sodium, sugar and taurine) with some regularity to stay active, this is something that we must change as soon as possible because it not only damages the health of the heart, but also that of other organs of the body.

It is essential that we learn to prioritize the consumption of water and natural drinks (such as caffeine-free teas and infusions). We can also drink natural juices and mixed fruit and vegetable smoothies.

Other recommendations to improve heart rhythm

In addition to maintaining a proper diet and avoiding the consumption of stimulants such as coffee, cola, alcohol, black tea and tobacco, it will also be essential that we go to the doctor if we notice that we have concerns regarding our heart health.

Once the doctor has given us the diagnosis and tells us what type of treatment we should follow in the future, we should consult with him about the type of exercises that are best for us and other aspects of the day to day, to have everything clear.

  • Generally, people with heart problems are recommended to perform gentle exercises regularly ; type yoga, tai chi, hiking …
  • Get enough sleep on a daily basis. Not less than 5-6 hours.
  • Perform relaxing and pleasant activities daily to compensate for situations of emotional overload or stress, related for example to music, painting or other arts. It all depends on taste
  • Do deep breathing exercises.
  • Include foods rich in antioxidants in the diet, as well as sources of omega 3.
  • Avoid the consumption of fried foods, junk, sweets, ultra-processed foods and all kinds of industrial edibles.

The doctor may indicate other measures to normalize the heart rhythm as appropriate. In this sense, it must be borne in mind that not all measures apply in all cases and that what may work for a person with low blood pressure and arrhythmias may not work for a person with severe heart failure.

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