How To Prepare 5 Remedies With Garlic To Lose Weight

Garlic can be a great supplement to detoxify the body and lose weight, but we should always consume it in moderation to avoid experiencing adverse digestive effects

For starters, do you want a solution to lose weight in a healthy way? Among the different options we find these garlic-based remedies. These combine ingredients full of compounds that, after assimilating, detoxify the body, control hunger and promote energy expenditure.

Do you dare to try them? Discover 5 interesting recipes. In addition, you can lose weight without starving and without the dreaded rebound effect afterwards.

Lose weight in a healthy way

First, when adopting a weight loss plan it is important to note that results do not happen overnight. In addition, it is essential to maintain a healthy diet permanently.

There are many diets that promise miraculous results in a matter of days or weeks. However, many of these lack nutrients. Therefore, they lead to negative effects that put health at risk.

Therefore, as a first measure, even if it takes a little longer, the eating plan must be balanced. In fact, it must contain all the nutrient groups.

What can be considered as “extra help” are some natural remedies. These, due to their properties, boost metabolism and complement the diet.

Garlic remedies for weight loss

1. Garlic and olive oil

Garlic for weight loss

First of all, mixing raw garlic with olive oil is an ancient slimming remedy. The consumption of the former favors the  expenditure of calories, as stated in this study carried out by the Southeast University (China); On the other hand, olive oil is a good anti-inflammatory, according to this research from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (Brazil).

Contains antioxidants, essential minerals, and fatty acids. These, among other things, reduce the accumulation of bad cholesterol  (LDL) and high blood pressure .


  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)


  • Crush a raw garlic clove. Afterwards, mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil.

Consumption mode

  • Take the preparation on an empty stomach, every day.

2. Garlic and onion

Second, garlic and onion infusion (according to this study by Rajgad Dyanpeeth’s College of Pharmacy in India) is a diuretic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drink. Thanks to these virtues, it helps us fight the accumulation of fluids and toxins in the body.

Its high concentration of sulfurous compounds reduces the absorption of lipids in the intestine. In addition, it favors the elimination of existing fat cells.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • ½ onion


  • Bring the cups of water to a boil. Then, when they come to a boil, add a clove of crushed raw garlic and half an onion.
  • Then let the drink sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
  • Finally, strain it and consume it.

Consumption mode

  • Drink a cup of infusion on an empty stomach and repeat the drink in the middle of the afternoon.
  • Take it for 2 to 3 weeks in a row.

3. Garlic and lemon

Garlic for weight loss

By combining the properties of garlic with the prodigious lemon juice we can obtain a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory drink, according to this study carried out by the University of Messina (Italy). Therefore, it is ideal for eliminating waste that interferes with the effects of the diet when we want to lose weight.

Both provide powerful antioxidants, fatty acids, and amino acids. In addition to facilitating weight loss, they  protect cells against the effects of free radicals.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • The juice of ½ lemon


  • To start, boil a cup of water. Then, when it comes to a boil, add a raw garlic, to be able to be minced.
  • Next, let the drink rest for 10 minutes, strain it and add the juice of half a lemon.

Consumption mode

  • Drink a cup of infusion on an empty stomach, at least 3 times a week.

4. Carrot, garlic and orange

Carrot, garlic and orange juice is a detoxifying drink that helps remove toxins from the blood to combat being overweight. In addition, it also contributes to reducing the risk of diseases.

Orange contains vitamin C, a great help for the immune system, as stated in this study from the University of Otago (New Zealand). The carrot, for its part, helps reduce cholesterol, according to this research carried out by the Unité des Maladies Métaboliques & Micronutriments INRA Clermont-Ferrand / Theix (France).

This wonderful combination of ingredients provides the body with vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants.


  • 2 carrots
  • The juice of 2 oranges
  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


  • To start, peel and dice the carrots. Then, extract the juice from the oranges.
  • Next, pour both ingredients into the blender and process them with a clove of garlic and half a cup of water.
  • Finally, after obtaining a homogeneous drink, serve it instantly.

Consumption mode

  • Drink the juice on an empty stomach, 2 or 3 times a week.

5. Garlic and cinnamon

Garlic for weight loss

The Cinnamon Garlic Drink has become popular as a weight loss supplement. The nutrients in both ingredients stimulate the metabolism and reduce the accumulation of fat. This study by Saveetha University (India), in fact, emphasizes the use of cinnamon to lose weight safely and healthily.

In fact, cinnamon is a useful remedy for people with diabetes, since it helps reduce the accumulation of glucose in the blood, according to this study carried out by Mashhad University (Iran). Therefore, it contributes to losing weight and improving health.


  • 1 clove of raw garlic
  • ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon (2 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, boil a cup of water. Next, add a clove of raw garlic and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  • Then let the drink sit at room temperature and strain it.

Consumption mode

  • To finish, drink the drink on an empty stomach, every day, or at least 3 times a week.

Have you already tried them? If you still do not benefit from the weight loss properties of garlic, prepare any of these remedies and give your metabolism a boost.

Note Lastly, consuming too much garlic can be irritating to the digestive system. Therefore, avoid consuming these remedies in amounts higher than recommended.

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