How To Prepare An Herbal Astringent For Oily Skin At Home

Having oily facial skin requires adopting a series of special cares, such as, for example, the use of some herbal astringent for oily skin. This is a remedy that can be put into  Practice to avoid developing common skin conditions like blackheads and acne.

This disorder occurs when there is an excess production of oils by the sebaceous glands, which makes the face look shiny, dirty and with its pores more visible than usual, as this OFFARM publication points out .

Due to the consequences, many people are trying to control it to have smoother and cleaner facial skin. In response to this, the cosmetic industry has developed hundreds of products that can regulate natural oils for flawless skin. However, some people do not quite trust the results that chemicals offer.

The good news is that there are natural ingredients with which you can make a homemade astringent  to start improving the condition of this type of skin without running the risk of having adverse effects.

What are the benefits of using an herbal astringent for oily skin?

What are the benefits of astringents for oily skin

Astringents are part of this group of products to achieve a good facial cleansing in order to reduce excess sebum and have a smoother skin.

This popular product is nothing more than a facial toner with antiseptic and refreshing properties that, when applied to the skin, can balance oil levels to reduce the risk of pimples or acne pimples.

Unlike other beauty items, this one could control sebaceous secretion and deep clean pores, making it a great ally for your facial care routine.

Best of all, there are a number of formulas to make it with herbs and other natural ingredients to save money and less risk of allergic reactions.

Recipe to make an herbal astringent for oily skin

Many of the plants that are easily found in nature have powerful astringent effects that can penetrate and remove all traces of dirt and oil accumulated on the face.

On this occasion, we are going to use ingredients such as witch hazel and mint leaves to create a natural toner capable of cleaning and closing open pores, as well as restoring the surface and tone of the skin.


  • 230 ml of distilled witch hazel extract. Due to its antibacterial properties, it can help reduce inflammation, the accumulation of oil in the pores and promote skin regeneration, as this study published in The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology points out .
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (15 g). According to this research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology , honey could help prevent pathogen infections and regulate the PH of the skin.
  • 1 teaspoon of dried mint (5 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of dried comfrey leaves ( Symphytum officinale)  (5 g). As shown in this work carried out by a researcher at the University of the Americas, comfrey is a plant that could help heal wounds.
  • 1 glass jar with lid.


Application mode

  1. Place the dried mint and comfrey in a glass jar. If the plants are not dry, they can be used fresh, but the amount should be doubled.
  2. Then add the witch hazel, making sure to coat the herbs very well with it.
  3. Stir everything to combine the ingredients well and add the honey.
  4. Seal with a tight-fitting lid and shake so that everything is integrated.
  5. The container should be put in a warm place, preferably near the window to receive sunlight. In addition, it should be shaken from time to time to ensure that all its components are well concentrated.
  6. Let the mixture rest for 2 or 4 weeks.
  7. After the suggested time, filter the liquid through a fine mesh cloth and pour it into another clean bottle.
  8. To extend its useful life, it is advisable to place it in a dark glass bottle or a transparent one, and it should be kept in a cool place away from light.
  9. Finally, the container can be labeled with the name, date and content.

Application mode

Its mode of use is the same as that of conventional astringents:

  • Cleanse the face to remove superficial impurities or possible traces of makeup.
  • Dip a piece of cotton in the homemade astringent and rub it all over the areas you want.

By integrating this product into your daily beauty routine,  you will be able to notice skin changes in no time. It is recommended to use it several times a week to maintain its freshness effect.

Of course, for its action to be 100% effective, the use of creams or any other treatment that contains oils should be avoided, since this herbal astringent is specific for oily skin and would be counterproductive.

So, when in doubt, always consult a dermatologist to provide a proper diagnosis and the relevant guidelines to follow for each skin type.

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