How To Protect Children From Heat Waves: Alarms And Tips

The sun, when it shines and seems to embrace us through its warmth, usually represents a reason for happiness. However, the damages that the sun produces on the skin are well known. Despite this, we do not always have enough information and alerts on how to protect ourselves. The latter is even more important when it comes to protecting children from heat waves.

How to protect children from heat waves

Despite the fact that, at the beginning of autumn, the sun and its strength begin to weaken, sometimes sudden changes in temperature arise that force us to wear more typical summer clothes. When the hot days are continuous and the temperatures are very high, even though we are not in the hot season, we must pay the usual attention, without neglecting the elderly and children.

Causes and consequences of excess heat

At the same time, from the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, faced with the question of how to protect children from heat waves, it is advisable to consider the alerts of the meteorological system, which usually anticipate extreme meteorological situations, to avoid damage to health.

In line with the above, the same Scientific Society proposes a series of recommendations on how to act in the face of a possible heat wave.

Heat wave exhaustion


  • Ensure that children stay in cool and well-ventilated places against the threat of high temperatures.
  • It is useful to wear loose, light-colored clothing, preferably cotton. Light-colored clothing, such as white or non-patterned pastels, may be important to prevent insect bites, especially mosquitoes.

    Additional data to take into account:

    • It is worth offering fluids on a regular basis. This includes water and natural juices, avoiding, in general, sugary drinks.
    • In the case of infants who are breastfeeding, the frequency of feedings can be increased.
    • There are hours, such as between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., in which sun exposure is discouraged. It is desirable to remember to use hats or caps with a visor, as well as to apply sunscreen in exposed areas, even on cloudy days.

    Also, from Eres mama it is pointed out: “A heat stroke can ruin the fun and become a bad time for children. Therefore, before enjoying the days outdoors it is essential to take some precautions ”.

    What is and what is not heatstroke?


    According to the same source cited, “it is known as heat stroke in children to an alteration or destabilization of the body’s thermal regulation “. It is, therefore, a reaction of the body that produces an excessive loss of salts and water due to extreme exposure to the sun or heat.

    It can also be caused by dehydration, which causes body temperature to drop on its own. Those most vulnerable to heat stroke are children and the elderly, who have a more difficult time expelling heat from the body.

    Finally: How to protect children from heat waves?

    Faced with the question of how to protect children from heat waves, it is important to provide a series of warning signs and advice. It is suggested, on the one hand, to refresh whenever it is needed. It is necessary to protect yourself from direct sun exposure  , as well as avoid all kinds of physical effort in the hottest hours.

    At the same time, we must take care of the smallest children and be attentive to :

    • Maintain adequate hydration. Also, in order to prevent diarrhea and other illnesses, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water both before and after handling food, as well as changing your baby’s diapers.
    • It is of great importance to take care of food, since it decomposes quickly at high temperatures. They should not be left outside the refrigerator to avoid cutting the cold chain.

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