How To Reduce Hair Loss During Menopause

One of the common problems when reaching the menopausal stage is excessive hair loss. This time we share some tips to counteract it naturally.

Hair loss in menopause is usually one of the consequences of the hormonal changes that occur at this stage. Although it may respond to other factors that compromise hair health, the decrease in female hormones is one of the triggers.

According to some research, this problem is the result of decreased estrogen and progesterone production. These hormones are involved both in the growth process of the strands, and in their permanence in the head for a longer time. How to control it?

Tips to reduce hair loss during menopause

The application of shampoos and anti-hair loss treatments are usually the most popular solutions when it comes to combating hair loss in menopause. However, there are other basic cares that are key to promoting hair health at this stage. We share them in detail below.

1. Manage stress

Manage stress to prevent hair loss during menopause

One of the keys to curbing hair loss during menopause is learning to control stressful situations. Although many overlook it, this emotional state can affect hormonal outbreaks. Additionally, reducing estrogens tends to change brain chemistry, increasing mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

Therefore, it is convenient to put into practice relaxation habits such as yoga, breathing exercises or aromatherapy, among others, as they are key to reducing the effects of stress.

2. Increase consumption of lentils

Looking for a natural ally against excessive hair loss? Then make a nice bowl of lentils. These prodigious legumes are an important source of iron, a mineral that improves circulation and oxygenation of cells to ensure healthy development of the hair follicle.

3. Increase water intake to reduce hair loss in menopause

Woman drinking water

To keep hair hydrated and strong, the body needs to hydrate itself every day. For this reason, it is essential to increase the consumption of water and healthy fluids, especially when other symptoms of menopause occur.

Adequate hydration promotes the well-being of the entire organism and, in this case, ensures good circulation and oxygenation of the roots. It is important to consider that the necessary amount varies in each person, according to factors such as age, physical activity and general health. As a general rule of thumb, consume at least 8 glasses a day.

4. Do a hair massage

Hair massages have important benefits when it comes to combating excessive hair loss in menopause. Although more evidence is required to support their effects, in general they have been used since ancient times as allies to keep hair strong and abundant.

In this particular case, massages do double duty. On the one hand, they stimulate circulation in the scalp, facilitating oxygenation and nutrition of the hair follicle. On the other hand, it favors relaxation, mitigating the negative effects of stress.

5. Keep hair natural

Hair dyes

Since hair undergoes weakening as part of the hormonal fluctuations that occur in menopause, it is essential to try to keep it natural. In other words, this means that the use of chemical dyes, heat tools, harsh shampoos and the like should be avoided as much as possible.

Other recommendations are:

  • Use shampoo and conditioner based on natural ingredients.
  • Let hair dry in the open air, removing excess water with a towel.
  • Comb carefully, using a natural bristle brush.
  • Cut the ends of the hair every 2 months.

If you want to reduce hair loss during menopause, don’t forget:

  • Maintain a healthy diet, rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.
  • Ask your doctor about medications that have side effects including hair loss. The professional can evaluate how much they affect the problem and if there are other alternatives.
  • Request medical check-ups if anemia or other diseases that cause hair loss are suspected.

Are you reaching menopause and fear for your hair health? In addition to acquiring specialized products for external use, be sure to apply all these recommendations. All of this will be key to keeping your hair healthy and strong.

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