I Prefer Details To Gifts

The details build our existence because they are inscribed in those spontaneous acts that are born from the heart. Preferring details to gifts is the reflection of someone who truly appreciates what is sincere, far from artifice and material. Something curious and that we must bear in mind is that behind the act of giving lies an authentic psychology that can reveal many things to us.

There are those who lack an empathic attitude and give away the first thing they find just to look good. Others take care of the gift by adorning it with accurate details that get to move us. However, there are those who choose to give details throughout the year without needing a special occasion. The latter is what enriches us the most, what most strengthens our ties with each other. In addition, it may be what we most seek in our affective relationships, and even with the bond we build with our children.

The emotional ties that build the details

The little details are what build the strongest and most meaningful relationships. Sometimes we make the mistake of expecting others to do great things for us, to show us their affection by taking actions that go against their essence.


An example of this is found in those parents who expect their children to study or guide their lives in what they themselves have foreseen. Likewise, there are couples who also wait for the other person to fulfill each of their expectations without taking into account their own needs. It’s a mistake.

  • Emotional ties are built with respect for the other, where we are all free, where we admire and know each other while respecting our own spaces.
  • The details that we share every day hide that complicity of people who know each other, respect each other and who honor each other without having to do great things, but through small acts where sincere love is inscribed.

In the details it is reflected that we know that person and we know what they need

There are those who think that he has offered us the best of the details when, in reality, with his action what he actually achieves is to impose his own desires, his own selfishness.

For example: You  prepare your weekend vacation. You want to spend a few days alone, because you accumulate a lot of stress and anxiety. Just before you leave, your parents or a friend appear telling you that “they accompany you to encourage you.” Examples like this show us that  details should be a reflection of knowledge and love, but also respect.

Reciprocity dwells in detail

In the details there is no egotism or blackmail, or double meanings. They are actions that are offered freely because we love the other person and because, in turn, we feel loved. It is a link where balance and concern for the welfare of the other is found.


We are aware that the best gift is called “time”  and that, before making use of the credit card, the other person will always appreciate a smile, a look, share a walk, a quiet and intimate afternoon.

Details don’t need special days

We don’t need a flower every day, or a romantic dinner every weekend. Gifts are fine for occasional occasions. But the details should be offered more often and, if possible, every day. We are sure that you will agree with it, that the details should be part of those daily rituals that make a couple happy and that take so much care of the emotional well-being of our children. So… why do we sometimes forget or overlook them?

  • We get into a rut and start taking things for granted.
  • We tell ourselves that it is not worth it, that “we already know each other too much”, that the details are for the first time of courtship …
  • Sometimes, there are those who stop being detail-oriented with the partner because the other person is not either.

It is not the right thing to do. The details are rituals of coexistence that nourish the heart and offer us security. The security and recognition that we are loved and important to the other person. Another aspect that we must take into account is that, if we notice that our relationship has fallen into a routine, we must fight to overcome it.

Take the initiative, use humor, break the routine, do something unforeseen and give away “details”, moments that remain forever in the emotional memory of the other person. Sometimes small acts create great and wonderful changes. It is worth putting into practice.

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