Infusion Of Ginger With Lemon: Properties And Benefits

Ginger and lemon have properties that make them one of the ingredients most used to relieve flu symptoms and improve digestion. Know all its benefits.

Preparing an infusion of ginger with lemon is a healthy option to consume a homemade tea. Ginger is the root of a plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, known not only for its particular aroma and the spicy flavor it provides to meals, but also for the properties and benefits it brings to health in general.

In combination with lemon, this drink could top the list of home remedies to relieve indigestion and strengthen the immune system. Next, we will tell you more about the benefits of this mixture.

What are the benefits of lemon?

Lemon is a very versatile fruit when it comes to cooking, as it combines well with many preparations. In addition to serving as a garnish and for cooking certain foods, this citrus fruit has several health benefits. First of all, it is worth noting its vitamin C content, which is essential to protect the body from free radicals.

In addition, according to a publication of the National Institute of Health , this vitamin improves the absorption of iron from certain foods of plant origin and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. This makes it ideal for protecting the body.

On the other hand, a review published in Chemistry Central Journal indicates that citrus fruits have anti-inflammatory activity, which is important to help mitigate the symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Lemon ginger tea

And ginger, what does it bring us?

Ginger is one of the most popular spices in the world, not only for the flavor it brings to meals, but also for its nutritional value. It has been used for years to improve digestion and relieve symptoms of the flu and the common cold.

In addition to this, an article published in Integrative Medicine Insights points out that the consumption of this root is an effective and natural way to treat nausea and vomiting. In fact, many pregnant women turn to its benefits to improve this condition.

Likewise, as stated in a study in the journal Nutrition carried out on 4628 people, the daily consumption of ginger could have positive effects when it comes to preventing cardiovascular risk. It would reduce the incidence of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

Infusion of ginger with lemon: how to prepare it?

One of the best ways to combine the benefits of lemon and ginger is to prepare an infusion. This drink is very popular when it comes to obtaining all the properties of plants, herbs, flowers and fruits. In addition, its preparation is very simple.


  • 1 piece of ginger root, about 2 centimeters, without skin.
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml).
  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • Honey (to taste).


  • Cut the ginger into slices. If you prefer, you can also grate it to further enhance the drink.
  • Then heat water in a small pot and add the ginger and lemon juice.
  • When the water is hot, before it reaches the boiling point, turn it off and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Strain and serve hot with a lemon wedge. If desired, sweeten with honey.
  • This drink can be taken up to 3 times a day.

When to drink the infusion of ginger with lemon?

Although it will always be a good time to enjoy a hot drink full of properties and health benefits, there are some recommended situations if you are looking to relieve symptoms or receive an extra energy.

For example, to speed up your metabolism and contribute to fat loss, ideally take it in the morning. In another sense, before meals it contributes to the subsequent digestion process.

If taken after eating, it prevents the accumulation of gases. Finally, if you want to get a good rest, drink it at night before going to sleep.

Lemon infusion with ginger

Possible Side Effects of Lemon Ginger Infusion

Although its consumption is considered safe in normal amounts such as those mentioned, excessive use of ginger could worsen gastric reflux in some people. In addition, it causes irritation in the mouth and throat when the cups are exceeded for a whole day.

However, only care should be taken in the doses that are ingested so as not to abuse. Remember that this drink is not a miracle remedy, since it only serves as an adjunct and support in the approach of mild health conditions. If you have doubts about its consumption, it is best to consult with your doctor.

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