Previous Aspects When Coloring A Hair With Psoriasis

People with psoriasis on the scalp should be careful of the chemicals that some products contain. Therefore, when it comes to dyeing your hair, you will have to make some preliminary considerations.

Psoriasis is a very complex disease that can be made worse by contact or exposure to certain factors. Because of this, patients with this condition must be very careful when using chemicals. What should you know before coloring hair with psoriasis?

One of the subtypes of the disease is known as scalp psoriasis. It develops in various parts of the skin of the skull, giving rise to scabs and flaking that are often confused with dandruff. It also causes a strong itch and can be a trigger for an excessive fall.

Do you suffer from this condition but want to change your look ? Do you have questions about the use of dyes? Despite the risks, psoriasis doesn’t have to be an impediment to fulfilling your wish. It is enough to put into practice some previous care for its safe use.

Dyeing hair with psoriasis: things you should know for safety

When it comes to dyeing hair with psoriasis, some doubts may arise. In fact, some prefer to forgo this type of treatment, considering that it can be harmful due to the possible reactions of the disease. However, there are some strategies to do it safely.

Either because there is a desire to reflect a different hair color, or because the first gray hairs have appeared, the use of dyes tends to attract a lot of attention. Here are the precautions that every psoriasis patient should take into account before dyeing their hair.

Talk to a stylist about the condition

Woman in a hair salon

To dye psoriasis hair safely, it is essential to go to a stylist or hairdresser who, preferably, is familiar with this condition. The professional must know in advance the existence of the disease and its possible risks.

In fact, you should ideally have the ability to assess whether there are chances of allergic reactions from the use of certain products. Thus, as a first preventive measure, it will be necessary to ask the stylist for a prior check-up.

Do a patch test

Patch tests are intended to evaluate possible negative reactions with the use of chemicals. In the case of people with psoriasis of the scalp they are essential, since there are components that increase sensitivity and allergy. How is it the procedure?

To start, a small amount of the dye is applied to a patch of hair at the back of the neck. If after 24 hours there are no reactions, the product can be used without problem. On the contrary, if there is redness, itching or other symptom, it should be stopped immediately.

Avoid tincture during breakouts

Woman dyeing her hair

As with other types of psoriasis, scalp psoriasis has times when symptoms are most noticeable. Although aesthetically it looks bad, it should be reason enough to avoid any procedure. Using dyes during flare-ups worsens symptoms and can lead to adverse reactions.

Be careful with  paraphenylenediamine

The term  ‘paraphenylenediamine’  is not that familiar. However, it should be kept in mind when suffering from hair health problems such as psoriasis. 

The molecule p-phenylenediamine , contained as the ingredient phenylenediamine,  has been identified as the  responsible for allergic reactions that occur the tinting hair, especially when the skins are sensitive.

Protect facial skin

When it comes to dyeing hair with psoriasis, you must pay close attention to facial skin care. Unfortunately, there is a risk of contact with the chemical. If it occurs, the skin can not only become stained, but the symptoms of psoriasis can be aggravated. 

Typically, stylists use a protective barrier with moisturizer or petroleum jelly around the face and neck to minimize possible contact with the dye. However, these methods do not always work.

Investigate the quality of the dye

Woman applying henna dye to her hair

There are hair coloring products whose characteristics are designed to counteract the sensitivity of the scalp. However, it is not always easy to identify them. There are dozens of brands that sell “natural” dyes that are not always safe.

In this case, it is essential to do research on the options available in the market, opting for the one with the best recommendations. Probably if you spend a little time, you will find different opinions on the web about its effects.

Note: completely discard those with too much alcohol, as they can increase the dryness of the skin.

In conclusion:

Yes, it is possible to dye hair with psoriasis, but with great caution. Having the supervision of a professional can minimize the risk of side effects.

In addition, it guarantees the proper use of the products. However, in all cases, attention must be paid to possible allergic reactions that must be treated immediately.

While many commercial dyes are safe to use, individual reactions can vary. Therefore, if after 48 hours red patches appear, inflammation or any other warning sign, you should see a doctor.

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