Puff Pastry Bows With Cinnamon And Cream

Although it is healthier to make the main ingredients ourselves, in an emergency we can buy the puff pastry already made to save time.

The pastry is a mass or perfect base for any dessert or main dish, such as breaded or battered, the result is fantastic for any occasion.

Its crunchy texture is ideal to accompany and give different shapes to various exquisite dishes.

It is characterized by being made up of different layers, which depend on the stretches and turns that we give to the dough when we create it.

Between the layers, we will place fat or butter, which will allow steam to come off in the oven and will raise the layers of puff pastry one on top of the other.

In this recipe, we are going to show you how to make fantastic puff pastry bows with cinnamon and cream, perfect to accompany a good coffee as a dessert or after dinner, a snack, breakfast or, at any time of the day!

The puff pastry can already buy made in the frozen food section of your supermarket or chilled, although you can also do it at home because it is very easy and you give your  ties with cinnamon and cream puff  a more personal touch.

Ingredients for the puff pastry:

sweet ingredients

  • 1 kg of flour
  • 500 ml of water
  • 60 g of butter
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 800 g of margarine or butter (fat)

Ingredients for the pastry cream:

For 1 liter of milk:

  • ½ sprig of vanilla
  • 7 egg yolks
  • 1 egg
  • 150g sugar
  • 75 g of flour
  • 1 knob of butter


  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon
  • Egg

Preparation of the puff pastry

Puff pastry and apples.

  • We put all the flour on the worktop or table.
  • We make a hole in the middle of the mound of flour like a volcano, and we will introduce in this hole the salt, the water and the 60 grams of butter in pieces.
  • Mix with a spoon, little by little, and then knead with your hand until all the dough is blended.
  • We will form a ball and let it rest in the fridge for about 15 minutes.


  • After these 15 minutes of rest, with a rolling pin, we will stretch the dough on the worktop or workbench previously sprinkled with a little flour to prevent the dough from sticking.
  • We will stretch this dough like a star, so that it is easier to put the butter inside and form the remaining layers. We will collect the tips towards the inside.
  • We will repeat the process of stretching like a star and picking up the tips inward several times.

We will end with leaving the dough stretched, better in the form of a square or rectangle well stretched.

Preparation of the pastry cream

The pastry cream goes perfectly with various sweets and desserts, and in puff pastry ties with cinnamon and cream, it is a must.

  • Boil the milk with the vanilla. When it boils, remove and let it warm.
  • Besides, put the sugar with the flour, bathe it with a little warm milk and mix well. Also add the yolks and the egg.
  • Add the rest of the milk to this mixture and heat it (about 10 minutes) until it thickens, stirring constantly.
  • Cool it in a bowl and layer the butter on top.

Assembling the puff pastry ties with cinnamon and cream

Puff pastry

Finally, it only remains to assemble the puff pastry ties with cinnamon and cream.

  • Spread the pastry cream on top of the puff pastry, using a kitchen brush or spoon.
  • Once everything is covered, with the help of a knife, cut the dough into 4 equal parts and then into strips about 5 centimeters thick. Pick up each strip and fold one corner over the middle of the entire strip, so that there is a twisted loop.
  • Repeat this process for all the strips.
  • Beat an egg in a bowl and paint each ribbon with it on the surface.
  • Add powdered sugar and cinnamon to the top.

Bake the puff pastry ties with cinnamon and cream

Bake all the bows on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, at 250ºC for 8 minutes, or until the puff pastry is golden.

Let it cool.

Serve with a good coffee or whatever you prefer.

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