Renew Your Home With Spray Paint

Spray paint is one of the materials that best lends itself to creative and innovative ideas at home. From painting a wall or a hard-to-reach corner to decorating an old object, there are countless things that can be done with these spray colors.

Spray paints come in a wide variety of textures, such as metallic, acrylic, stone, wood, matte, glossy and many others, which will give you different finishes to achieve almost any effect you can imagine.

Advantages of spray paint

Spray paint has many advantages over regular paints for your decorative projects.

  • You do not need additional tools such as paint brushes, roller or trays.
  • The work is done faster than with manual paints.
  • Its finish is uniform, without leaving brush and roller marks.
  • The sprays are oil paints, which makes them more durable than water -based paints.
  • It covers more surfaces, as it reaches spaces that brushes and rollers cannot reach.

    Some considerations before starting

    Spray paint

    • Spray paint has a very fine powder that normally travels beyond the area to be painted, so the surroundings must be well coated so that they do not stain.
    • For the same reason, it is advisable to wear a mask to avoid breathing toxic paint and gloves to avoid staining your hands.
    • Preferably, paint outdoors so that the paint particles do not remain in the environment.
    • Avoid painting if there is wind, since the paint can be carried, which will require more quantity and probably the painted surface will not be even.
    • Very high temperatures can create bubbles in paint as it dries.
    • Bear in mind that if you paint in the sun, drying will be much faster.
    • When you paint, try to always keep the same distance so that the paint is even and spray the spray from one side to the other of the surface to be painted, without concentrating on a single point, so that the paint does not accumulate in one place other than in other.
    • If a part is less painted it is preferable to give a second and even a third coat to the entire area.

    Now, with these tips you can start to use your imagination and paint. Here we give you some ideas.

    Ideas for painting with spray paint

    1. Turn your fan into a rainbow.

    Paint each blade of your fan a different color. To do so, follow the steps below.

    1. Remove the front grill of the fan.
    2. Cover the entire fan well with newspaper, leaving only one blade uncovered. Apply yellow spray .
    3. When it dries, discover another blade and cover the yellow one.
    4. Apply red color to the new blade.
    5. Repeat the operation painting the third blade blue.
    6. When done, remove all the paper and put the rack back on.

    When you turn on the fan, you will see a whole range of colors spinning thanks to the mixture of the three primary colors.

    Metal pots

    Flowerpots from cans

    Recycle the cans of preserves and turn them into pots for your small crops.

    1. If it has a paper label, remove it from the can and wash it well.
    2. When it dries, put it on newspaper and spray the spray in and out of the can. Metallic colors like bronze or silver are better, but you can use something else that you like. Stone finishes also look good.
    3. Make sure everything is well covered to prevent rust.
    4. If you are going to plant a silver that needs a lot of water, you can cut a hole at the bottom.

    Restore your old lamp

    That old lamp with the peeling paint can be recovered to make it look like new.

    1. Sand the old paint well so that the surface is smooth and without marks.
    2. Protect the inside part where the bulb and cable go. Make sure that the socket where the bulb goes is well covered, because if you paint inside it, the electrical contact will be lost.
    3. Apply the spray of the color that you like the most. Metallic textures look better.
    4. Let dry and ready.

    Recover aged furniture

    Wooden furniture

    As with the lamp, spray paint can be applied to worn or rusty wood, plastic or metal furniture surfaces to make them look like new.

    1. Cover with tape or newspaper the surfaces that you do not want to paint, such as the handles of the drawers, for example.
    2. Sand the surfaces well so that the marks of the old paint do not remain.
    3. Spray the spray evenly across the entire piece of furniture.
    4. Let dry and apply a second coat.
    5. If you wish, you can apply a coat of varnish at the end, for a brighter finish and to protect the wood.

    Paint a work of art

    With a little imagination and a can of spray paint you can paint a picture to hang on your walls. And you don’t have to know how to draw!

    1. Use a cloth canvas for painting or another surface of your choice.
    2. Collect branches and leaves. Paint them on one side and fix them on the canvas before the paint dries.
    3. Without moving the leaves and branches, paint the rest of the canvas with another color that matches well with the one you used for the leaves.
    4. When the canvas paint dries, carefully lift the branches and leaves.

    This technique can be used with many other objects. Just choose what you want to capture in your artwork.

    Decorative vases with spray paint

    Colored vases

    Those vases or glass containers that you never use because they are so simple, they can look very decorative with a simple touch.

    1. Glue tape to draw lines around the vase to your liking, you can also stick other designs, such as geometric figures.
    2. Paint the vase with the color that you like the most. Again, the metallic colors are more elegant.
    3. When the paint dries, carefully remove the tape and you will see what your design looks like.

    Give life and color to dry bushes

    With a few dried flowers and branches you can make an interesting bouquet .

    1. You select some dried flowers and branches.
    2. Spray the spray paint without getting too close, so that there are a few spots of the natural color of dried flowers. In this way, you will get a very lively double tonality.
    3. For this design, pastel colors are better because they give it a more natural tone.

    Now that you know some things you can do with spray paint , dare to create your own designs. The possibilities are endless.

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