Strengthen Your Defenses With This Garlic And Honey Remedy

Natural medicine offers us great remedies for common ailments. An example of this is, for example, combining garlic and honey.

Few natural products offer us as many benefits as these foods that are part of our day to day. Separated they are adequate, but together they have incredible properties to raise our defenses.

Today in our space we want to explain how to make your own garlic and honey remedy. We will say goodbye to infections and we will overcome the discomfort of flu and colds much sooner.

Do you dare to take note?

The great benefits of honey from garlic and honey

garlic and honeyThey call it “garlic honey.” However, it is clear that bees are not so skilled as to make this type of honey. It is a homemade preparation with which to combine honey and garlic to obtain a medicinal remedy.

The benefits it can bring us are multiple. These are a few examples:

Source of vitamins and minerals

  • Garlic and honey will provide us with flavonoids, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), vitamins B6 and C, potassium, proteins, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and calcium.
  • The garlic maceration process will respect its properties at all times to the point of achieving a mixture of incredible benefits for the whole family.
  • It will be very useful for children and the elderly who have lower than normal defenses.

A great immune booster

Honey is healing and garlic is antimicrobial. Together they manage to eliminate viruses and toxins to strengthen our defenses thanks to its high level of vitamin C.

It is clear that, by themselves, garlic and honey will not prevent us from catching the flu. However, what we will achieve is to heal faster and not lead to more serious problems.

It will strengthen our respiratory system and improve the level of white blood cells.

We will regulate the level of blood sugar and blood pressure

Just take a teaspoon of garlic and honey to keep our glycemic index in check. Honey is synthesized much slower than white table sugar and, also, if we combine it with garlic, this balance is further enhanced.

Nor can we forget that honey and garlic boost our heart health. The arteries are more flexible, we avoid the accumulation of cholesterol and we favor the regulation of blood pressure.

Garlic and honey to treat sciatica

Factors such as a herniated disc, irritation of the sciatic nerve, or a problem in the sacroiliac joint can cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve and cause high pain.

Regular consumption of garlic and honey will reduce these inflammatory problems related to nerves, muscles and joints. Do not stop trying it.

How to prepare our remedy with garlic and honey



  • 1 cup of honey (335 g)
  • 15 garlic


  • An airtight glass jar


  • The quantities that we have offered you as a reference are approximate. The most important thing is to get an airtight glass jar that allows us to marinate the garlic with honey, so everything will depend on the capacity of said jar.
  • The first thing we will do is peel the garlic and then open it a little in half with a sharp knife. In this way we get its essential oils to go outside and combine with honey.
  • Enter the number of garlic that you think is appropriate for the amount of honey you have. The more generous you are, the better.
  • The maceration process will last between 15 and 20 days. During that time we will keep the jar hermetically closed and keep it in a cool place out of the sun.
    • After that time, we can consume it normally.

    Point out that, if you want to further elevate the properties of this garlic and honey-based remedy, you can include in this combination a few thin slices of ginger, or a few strips of lemon peel.

    Its essential oils will also stay in the honey and will make an excellent medicinal remedy to raise our natural defenses.

    How to consume our garlic and honey remedy

    • The ideal is to consume a tablespoon every morning (25 g of honey with a garlic). You can eat it on its own or spread it on a slice of rye bread. In this way our defenses will be strengthened day by day.
    • To combat joint pain you can combine it with a glass of rice water (or any vegetable water).
    • To do this, take a tablespoon of honey and garlic along with a hot glass of rice water and beat it well in the blender to get a drink as homogeneous as possible. It is what is known as garlic milk. You will do great.

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