The 12 Best Natural Laxatives

There are some natural foods that, due to their properties, can help fight constipation. However, before this symptom, go to the doctor to examine you and recommend

Constipation is a fairly common and annoying problem. For this reason, it is important that, before self-medicating or making any decision on your own, you go to a specialist doctor to be examined. On the market, there are very effective laxatives that help you alleviate the problem. However, in this post we offer you some natural remedies that, always under medical supervision and without substituting your doctor’s treatment, you can use.

There are many factors that can cause it. So it can be suffered from time to time or more frequently. In any case, studies recommend going to the specialist to rule out a major problem.

The origin of this symptom is multicausal. It has been shown that it can have organic or idiopathic origin, the most common causes of the latter being lack of exercise, stress, lack of fluids, poor diet or delayed bowel movements. Knowing the origin makes it easier to find a solution.

The abuse of commercial laxatives can sometimes unbalance the balance of electrolytes in the body and affect the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, putting life at risk, according to studies from the University of North Dakota.

12 natural laxatives


Bananas are a great ally to regulate digestive functions and relieve constipation thanks to their fiber content and probiotic components. Eating a banana a day will contribute to the proper functioning of your intestinal tract.

Apple vinager

Apple vinager

According to popular belief, it is considered that apple cider vinegar, due to the acids it contains (malic, calcium, pectin, ash, and acetic acid) is capable of stimulating the intestines to facilitate their movement and function. We insist that no scientific evidence for this has been found.


Prunes are a rich source of potassium, which is why it has been shown that they help eliminate body fluids and avoid the problems associated with them, as well as reduce hypertension, alleviate kidney failure or liver diseases.

They are popularly known as “nature’s laxative”, as they provide beneficial bacteria to the intestines and stimulate their movement for better digestion.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is known worldwide because it has been shown to have beneficial characteristics and properties for people’s health. However, according to studies, it is not one of the most suitable nutritional supplements to naturally combat constipation, because it produces a greater number of colic and irritation.


The whole of nuts are a great source of fiber, protein and vitamins. According to studies, its consumption is related to less suffering from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, type II diabetes and obesity. Likewise, adding this type of food to the diet is ideal to maintain good intestinal function and avoid constipation.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea contains many health benefits and one of them is its laxative properties, since it promotes beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and helps regulate its function and good digestion. That makes it ideal for treating problems such as malnutrition or constipation.


One of the protective factors against constipation, according to studies, is moderate consumption of water throughout the day. Water softens stool to facilitate evacuation and also stimulates intestinal peristalsis. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water a day, especially in the morning hours, to avoid going to the bathroom at night.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Taking coconut oil helps improve digestion and bowel function, according to popular belief. With this, it is believed that its properties work as a reliever for pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids. There is no scientific evidence to support it.

Whole grains

Fiber is a food that helps clean the intestines and stimulates its functionality. Whole grains are a rich source of fiber and that is why including them in the diet is ideal to combat constipation problems in a natural and healthy way.


Like cereals and fruits, legumes are high in fiber that help improve digestive function. Including legumes in the diet can promote intestinal transit, since it is part of a large number of diets to avoid constipation.

If you suffer from colitis, it is advisable to see a doctor before including this food in the diet, as it can have negative effects on the intestines.



Kiwi is a great stimulant of the intestinal movement and favors its functioning. In fact, it is one of the fruits that is usually part of the diet to take care of constipation.

Cayenne pepper

According to popular belief, cayenne pepper has properties that stimulate the digestive tract, increasing the flow of gastric juice and enzyme production. Therefore, it would be considered adequate to combat constipation and maintain good intestinal function. 

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