Tips For Good Postural Hygiene In Pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is common. There are ways to avoid this by maintaining good postural hygiene. Find out how here.

Postural hygiene in pregnancy is key. It refers to the set of rules to maintain a correct body position. So its objective is to protect the spine, avoiding the appearance of pain and injuries when doing the activities of daily life.

Poor posture can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain, as well as misalign bones and muscles, affect joint movement, wear down the spine, and decrease flexibility. In pregnant women, the weight of the belly forward and the extra kilograms are decisive.

It is usual for pregnant women to complain of back pain, especially in the last trimester. But there is nothing to worry about, because although it may seem complex, there are ways to maintain good postural hygiene during pregnancy.

Importance of postural hygiene in pregnancy

During pregnancy, women suffer postural changes due to hormonal changes. Variations are generated in the distributions of body mass, body shape, joint movement, and muscle strength.

If there is no good posture, bad habits can be created around the position of the body. This leads to complications in the physical changes experienced by a pregnant woman. In addition, it is possible to prevent some classic pregnancy symptoms, such as back pain.

As the baby grows, the center of gravity shifts forward. Then, to avoid a possible fall, an unconscious attempt is made to compensate for the weight by leaning back. Thus the lumbar back muscles are overloaded and pain appears.

Back pain in pregnancy due to poor postural hygiene.

Benefits of good posture during pregnancy

Since during pregnancy there are posture problems due to the increase in the curvature of the spine, caused by the weight of the baby, good postural hygiene helps alleviate this problem.

Remember that during pregnancy hormonal changes cause the ligaments to be more distended and, if the woman does not exercise frequently, there is a weakened musculature that no longer supports the overload as before. This can lead to nerve impingement at the vertebral level.

The impingement of a nerve is the result of the pressure exerted on a path of neuronal fibers by a nearby tissue, such as some bone, cartilage, muscle or tendon. When this occurs it causes pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in the area and in the region to which that nerve gives sensitivity.

Therefore, good posture can help reduce the risk of pinching and all that the associated situation may entail. The sciatic nerve is one of the most affected by its anatomical configuration, causing symptoms even in the big toe.

Tips for good postural hygiene in pregnancy

There are a few ways to maintain good posture and a healthy pregnancy. You just need to pay attention to the following tips. Remember that it is up to you how you are going to cope with the last months of pregnancy.

1. Keep your back straight

When walking or standing upright, keep your back straight. Distribute your weight on both legs in case you have to stand for a long time. The correct position is with the shoulders and neck relaxed.

If you are standing for a long time, it is advisable to support one leg on a chair or stool, thus relieving the tension on the back.

2. To crouch down

The correct way to squat is by bending your knees, not bending your back. The ideal is not to lift a lot of weight so as not to cause a muscle pull or overexertion.

3. When you are sitting

Support yourself on the back of the chair using cushions or choosing chairs that have pillows for support. You can use any other means of support, such as a stool or footrest. Avoid crossing your legs and get up from time to time.

4. To lie down or get up

When we lie down or get up we must do it slowly, supporting the buttocks, then one leg and another later. This is to give your knees better support.

5. Exercise

Kegel exercises for pregnancy.

If there are no medical contraindications, gymnastics, yoga and Kegel or aquatic exercises are highly recommended during pregnancy. Experts recommend a combination of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. They also emphasize the benefits of walking and more if before pregnancy you led a sedentary life.

Another recommended exercise in pregnancy is swimming. Swimming gives the sensation that you can float and feel that the body is not as heavy as it seems. However, any exercise that the woman decides to do should be discussed with her doctor, since there are some minimum considerations and contraindications that should be respected.

The exercises that should be avoided during pregnancy are those that are to bounce, those of impact that require going down and up and those in which you must jump.

If you already have back pain, postural hygiene in pregnancy will help you

To relieve back pain, you can lie on your back, flexing your legs on your belly. It is recommended to do it on a yoga mat or canvas. It is possible that there are situations that trigger the discomfort, even if you have an active pregnancy. Some tips are therapeutic as well as preventive.

Maintaining good postural hygiene will help you cope with this stage of your life and arrive more relaxed at the happy meeting with the baby. The exercises are at your fingertips and you can benefit from them.

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