What Type Of Disinfectant To Choose To Prevent Viral Infections?

Both in pharmacies and in supermarkets it is possible to buy gels and other disinfectant products. However, are we choosing the right type of disinfectant to prevent viral infections?

There are a wide variety of antibacterial gel presentations on the market today that provide an alternative when there is no way to wash your hands with soap and water. However, as their name implies, they have the function of eliminating or inhibiting the growth of bacteria.

Therefore, considering that we want to prevent viral infections, we must be careful not to make mistakes when choosing and using these products. Which is the best option? What should we keep in mind? In the following space we will tell you everything related to this product so that you know how to choose the most appropriate one.

What is the appropriate type of disinfectant for viral infections?

What is the appropriate type of disinfectant for viral infections?

There are more than one type of sanitizing gel on the market, so choosing them can be difficult. The downside is that many people are unaware that not all disinfectants work against viruses. What’s more, most gels are antibacterial and are of no use as a preventive for these types of infections.

Thus, both conventional gels, such as those that are perfumed, shiny and the like, are classified as ineffective.

So what should our option be? The ideal is a product with virucidal capacity. The antibacterial gel has the function of repelling bacteria or preventing them from growing excessively.

Therefore, in the case of viral infections, they should not be an option. To inactivate viruses, it is necessary to use gels with at least 70% alcohol, which have virucidal properties.

In particular, to be effective against viruses, it must contain ethanol. In an interview for the newspaper La Vanguardia EspaƱola, the pharmaceutical company Mar Sieira explains that said substance:

How to choose a good disinfectant?

When it comes to preventing viral infections, the general recommendation is to take a few minutes to read the product label. It should specify that, in addition to being antibacterial, it is also virucidal. In addition, the manufacturer must show the registration number of the Medicines and Health Products Evaluation Agency (AEMPS) that supports its quality.

Viricidal activity can also be verified on the label in compliance with the UNE EN 14476 standard. If you do not have this information, it is probably a bactericidal disinfectant, but not a viricidal one. Today, these products are usually found on the market for a price that ranges between 3.5 and 5 euros per 100 ml.

Disinfectants are an option in the absence of soap and water

Disinfectants are an option in the absence of soap and water

According to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best method to prevent the spread of infection and reduce the risk of disease is to wash your hands with soap and water. If for some reason this is not possible, one option is the use of hand sanitizer.

However, keep in mind that these products do not kill all types of germs and are not the best option if your hands are visibly dirty. However, if the appropriate presentation is used for each case (bactericidal or virucidal), it can help.

Therefore, entities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continue to work to ensure that over-the-counter hand sanitizers meet quality standards and can be used safely frequently.

In addition, as you have been able to verify, if what it is about is to prevent virus infections, it is essential to check well that a product with viricide is purchased.

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